Andrey Generalov
Showing 12 publications
Geometrical magnetoresistance effect and mobility in graphene field-effect transistors
Distinction of the thermoelectric effect in graphene FET THz detectors
Does carrier velocity saturation help to enhance fmax in graphene field-effect transistors?
Direct nanoscopic observation of plasma waves in the channel of a graphene field-effect transistor
Graphene field-effect transistors with high extrinsic fT and fmax
Coherently Enhanced Wireless Power Transfer
Coherently enhanced wireless power transfer: Theory and experiment
A flexible graphene terahertz detector
Broadband Flexible Graphene RF Power Detectors
A 400-GHz Graphene FET Detector
A heterodyne graphene FET detector at 400 GHz
Optimization of THz graphene FET detector integrated with a bowtie antenna
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