Malin C Hallin

Doctoral Student at Supply and Operations Management image

Showing 5 publications


Sustainable development of manufacturing SMEs through action learning development programs

Martin Kurdve, Malin C Hallin, Annika Nilsson et al
Other conference contribution

Developing lean leaders through action learning

Malin C Hallin, Katrin Skagert, Carl Wänström
Proceedings 31st EurOMA conference
Paper in proceeding

Front-line managers opportunities to create a learning environment

Malin C Hallin, Carl Wänström, Katrin Skagert
Other conference contribution

Operators’ work situation - a key to successful lean organizations

Carl Wänström, Lars Medbo, Malin C Hallin et al
Proceedings of the EurOMA Conference. Vol. 2020
Paper in proceeding

Industry 4.0 readiness in manufacturing companies: challenges and enablers towards increased digitalization

Carla Gonçalves Machado, Mats Winroth, Dan Carlsson et al
Procedia CIRP. Vol. 81, p. 1113-1118
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 2 research projects


Leadership and organizational model for innovative, efficient and socially sustainable production teams

Carl Wänström Supply and Operations Management
Malin C Hallin Supply and Operations Management
Elin Edén Supply and Operations Management
Susanne Kullberg Supply and Operations Management

1 publication exists

Metodstöd för ledarskap och organisatoriskt lärande i produktionsteam

Carl Wänström Supply and Operations Management
Susanne Kullberg Supply and Operations Management
Malin C Hallin Supply and Operations Management
AFA Insurance

3 publications exist
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