Cecilia Hult

Showing 5 publications


Emission pathways and mitigation options for achieving consumption-based climate targets in Sweden

Johannes Morfeldt, Jörgen Larsson, David Andersson et al
Communications Earth and Environment. Vol. 4 (1)
Journal article

Consumption based scenarios for Sweden - a basis for discussing new climate targets

Jörgen Larsson, Johannes Morfeldt, Daniel Johansson et al
Report - Chalmers University of Technology

Drivers and barriers to business-to-business carsharing for work trips – A case study of Gothenburg, Sweden

Sönke von Wieding, Frances Sprei, Cecilia Hult et al
Case Studies on Transport Policy. Vol. 10 (4), p. 2330-2336
Journal article

Konsumtionsbaserade scenarier för Sverige - underlag för diskussioner om nya klimatmål

Jörgen Larsson, Johannes Morfeldt, Daniel Johansson et al
Report - Chalmers University of Technology

Review of the effects of developments with low parking requirements

Frances Sprei, Å Hult, Cecilia Hult et al
Eceee Summer Study Proceedings. Vol. 2019-June, p. 1079-1086
Paper in proceeding

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