Niklas Jakobsson

Postdoc at Physical Resource Theory

Image of Niklas Jakobsson

Showing 17 publications


Substation Placement for Electric Road Systems

Niklas Jakobsson, Elias Hartvigsson, Maria Taljegård et al
Energies. Vol. 16 (10)
Journal article

Historical wind deployment and implications for energy system models

Fredrik Hedenus, Niklas Jakobsson, Lina Reichenberg et al
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. Vol. 168
Journal article

How do users adapt to a short-range battery electric vehicle in a two-car household? Results from a trial in Sweden

Niklas Jakobsson, Frances Sprei, Sten Karlsson
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Vol. 15
Journal article

Comparison and Analysis of GPS Measured Electric Vehicle Charging Demand: The Case of Western Sweden and Seattle

Elias Hartvigsson, Niklas Jakobsson, Maria Taljegård et al
Frontiers in Energy Research. Vol. 9
Journal article

A review of consumer preferences of and interactions with electric vehicle charging infrastructure

Scott Hardman, Alan Jenn, Gil Tal et al
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. Vol. 62, p. 508-523
Journal article

Fast charging infrastructure for electric vehicles: Today's situation and future needs

T. Gnann, Simon Funke, Niklas Jakobsson et al
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. Vol. 62, p. 314-329
Journal article

The variation of BEV energy use and range with climate and driving behaviour in real driving in Sweden

Sten Karlsson, Niklas Jakobsson, Frances Sprei
Proceedings of EEVC, European Electric Vehicle Congress, March 14-16, 2017 9-11, 2017, Geneva, Switzerland
Other conference contribution

Indicating and managing BEV range issues in two-car households

Sten Karlsson, Niklas Jakobsson, Frances Sprei
Proceedings of EVS30, Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition, Oct 9-11, 2017, Stuttgart, Germany
Paper in proceeding

On the distribution of individual daily driving distances

Patrick Plötz, Niklas Jakobsson, Frances Sprei
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. Vol. 101, p. 213-227
Journal article

A model for public fast charging infrastructure needs

T. Gnann, D. Goldbach, Niklas Jakobsson et al
World Electric Vehicle Journal. Vol. 8 (4), p. 933-944
Journal article

Are multi-car households better suited for battery electric vehicles? - Driving patterns and economics in Sweden and Germany

Niklas Jakobsson, Till Gnann, Patrick Plötz et al
Transportation Research, Part C: Emerging Technologies. Vol. 65, p. 1-15
Journal article

A Model for Public Fast Charging Infrastructure Needs

Till Gnann, Daniel Goldbach, Niklas Jakobsson et al
Electric Vehicle Symposium 29, Montreal, 2016-06-20
Paper in proceeding

How are driving patterns adjusted to the use of a battery electric vehicle in two-car households?

Niklas Jakobsson, Sten Karlsson, Frances Sprei
Electric Vehicle Symposium 29, Montreal, 2016-06-20. Vol. 2, p. 1021-1030
Paper in proceeding

On the distribution of individual daily vehicle driving distances

Patrick Plötz, Niklas Jakobsson, Frances Sprei et al
European Electric Vehicle Congress Brussels, Belgium, 3rd - 5th December 2014
Paper in proceeding

Are electric vehicles better suited for multi-car households?

Niklas Jakobsson, Patrick Plötz, Till Gnann et al
European Electric Vehicle Congress Brussels, Belgium, 3rd - 5th December 2014
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 2 research projects


Wind power conflict of interest: residential housing and socioeconomy

Niklas Jakobsson Energy Technology 2
Ahmet Mandev Physical Resource Theory 2
Fredrik Hedenus Physical Resource Theory


An electric car in the two-car household – Use and adaptation

Sten Karlsson Physical Resource Theory
Frances Sprei Physical Resource Theory
Niklas Jakobsson Physical Resource Theory
Lars Henrik Björnsson Physical Resource Theory
Swedish Energy Agency

3 publications exist
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