Jessica Jewell
Jessica Jewell is an Associate Professor in Energy Transitions at the Department of Space, Earth and Environment at Chalmers University and a Professor at the Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation at the University of Bergen. Her research focuses on the feasibility of climate action and quantifying the dynamics and mechanisms of energy transitions using a variety of disciplinary approaches and methods. She is a recipient of a European Research Council's Starting Grant as well as the Principal Investigator of a project funded by the Norwegian Research Council and a leader of work packages in collaborative research projects supported by European and Swedish funding agencies.
Dr. Jewell is also a Guest Research Scholar at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and a Senior Fellow at the Breakthrough Institute as well as a member of several editorial boards including Energy Research and Social Science, Oxford Open Energy, and the Routledge series on Energy Transitions. She was a contributing author in the IPCC 5th assessment report, a lead author in the Global Energy Assessment and in a report for the UN Secretary General on the Sustainable Energy for All Initiative. She also led the development of the International Energy Agency's (IEA) model of short-term energy security. Previously, she worked at IIASA in Vienna and the IEA in Paris.
Showing 23 publications
Feasible deployment of carbon capture and storage and the requirements of climate targets
Coal-exit alliance must confront freeriding sectors to propel Paris-aligned momentum
Pathway to a land-neutral expansion of Brazilian renewable fuel production
Liquefied natural gas expansion plans in Germany: The risk of gas lock-in under energy transitions
Historical precedents and feasibility of rapid coal and gas decline required for the 1.5°C target
Meeting well-below 2°C target would increase energy sector jobs globally
Failing the formative phase: The global diffusion of nuclear power is limited by national markets
Covid-19 and the politics of sustainable energy transitions
Reply to: Why fossil fuel producer subsidies matter
Solar has greater techno-economic resource suitability than wind for replacing coal mining jobs
Prospects for powering past coal
Debating the bedrock of climate-change mitigation scenarios
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Showing 4 research projects
Nuclear and Wind Socio-Technical Pathways for Sweden (NEW STEPS)
Mechanisms and actors of Feasible Energy Transitions (MANIFEST)
Carbon Intensive Regions in Transition - Unravelling the Challenges of Structural Change (CINTRAN)