Youngrong Kim
Youngrong is a Postdoc researcher at the Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences and works on "Sustainable Anti-fouling Strategies in Shipping (HÅLL2 project)", which aims to develop a hull maintenance decision support tool. He moved to Sweden in April 2023 after obtaining his Ph.D. from the Department of Marine Technology at the Norwegian University of Science & Technology (NTNU). His primary research focus lies in analyzing ship performance and exploring green-shipping technology using maritime big data. Before his academic pursuits, he served as a Chief Navigation Officer on merchant ships, giving him broad yet specialized knowledge in the maritime field.

Showing 4 publications
Sustainable Hull maintenance strategies in Baltic Sea region through case studies of RoPax vessels
A new power prediction method using ship in-service data: a case study on a general cargo ship
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Ship’s Hull Maintenance Scenarios in the Kattegat and Danish Strait Route
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