Kunli Xiong
I started my PHD program in Bionanophotonics group at September 2013. Before it, I studied in KTH (Royal Institute of Technology) for my master degree and my major is photonics. Right now, I focus on fabrication of nanomaterials, and research the optical properties of different nanostructures. I am also interested in manipulating the temperature of nanomaterials by inputting current and build electrochemistry sensor in nanomaterials. For the long term target, I try to combine the polymer technology with special nanomaterial to control the molecules movement.

Showing 23 publications
Video-Rate Switching of High-Reflectivity Hybrid Cavities Spanning All Primary Colors
Electrically Switchable Polymer Brushes for Protein Capture and Release in Biological Environments**
High-Contrast Switching of Plasmonic Structural Colors: Inorganic versus Organic Electrochromism
Active control of plasmonic colors: emerging display technologies
Optimizing electrochromism for plasmonic electronic paper: Inorganic vs organic
Nanoplasmonic Sensor Detects Preferential Binding of IRSp53 to Negative Membrane Curvature
Optical properties of plasmonic nanopore arrays prepared by electron beam and colloidal lithography
Polymer brushes in solid-state nanopores form an impenetrable entropic barrier for proteins
Gating Protein Transport in Solid State Nanopores by Single Molecule Recognition
Switchable Plasmonic Metasurfaces with High Chromaticity Containing only Abundant Metals
Fabrication and Characterization of Plasmonic Nanopores with Cavities in the Solid Support
Biosensing using plasmonic nanohole arrays with small, homogenous and tunable aperture diameters
Plasmonic Metasurfaces with Conjugated Polymers for Flexible Electronic Paper in Color
Plasmon Enhanced Internal Photoemission in Antenna-Spacer-Mirror Based Au/TiO2 Nanostructures
A Thermal Plasmonic Sensor Platform: Resistive Heating of Nanohole Arrays
Plasmonic Nanopores in Metal-Insulator-Metal Films
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Showing 1 research projects
Plasmoniskt elektroniskt papper för videodisplay