Lars O Ericsson
Showing 34 publications
The geosystem services concept – What is it and can it support subsurface planning?
Mapping subsurface qualities for planning purposes: a pilot study
Att integrera undermarkens tjänster i planeringen. Pilotstudie Flatåsmotet
Subsurface planning: Towards a common understanding of the subsurface as a multifunctional resource
New dimensions in Swedish planning - an investigation of subsurface planning and geosystem services
The significance of planning and management of the subsurface to achieve sustainable cities
Hydrochemical impact of construction of the western section of the Hallandsås rail tunnel in Sweden
Hydraulic and Hydromechanical Laboratory Testing of Large Crystalline Rock Cores
Hydraulic and Hydromechanical Laboratory Testing of Large Crystalline Rock Cores
Hydromechanical characterization of fractures close to a tunnel opening: A case study
Framework for Value of Information Analysis in Rock Mass Characterization for Grouting Purposes
A compilation of size-dependent fracture
Aggressive groundwater chemistry caused by underground constructions
Termisk registrering - en metod att karteera markvattenhalten - Slutrapport
Termisk registrering, En metod att kartera markvattenhalt - Termovisionsförsök i klimatkammare
Infiltrationsprocessen i en dagvattenmodell - Teori, undersökningsmetod och utvärdering
Lokalt omhändertagande av dagvatten - Delrapport från första verksamhetsåret 1976-02-01 - 1977-01-31
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Showing 7 research projects
Groundwater levels of boreholes in bedrock vs modeling results
Novel subsurface thematic representations to support planning and valuation
SUB Sustainable use of underground space
Prediktiv grundvattenkemisk modellering med databas från tunnelprojekt Hallandsås