Martin Lovmar

Adj professor at Systems and Synthetic Biology image

Showing 5 publications


Biomimetic Antibacterial Gelatin Hydrogels with Multifunctional Properties for Biomedical Applications

Hengzhi Ruan, Marko Bek, Santosh Pandit et al
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Vol. 15 (47), p. 54249-54249–54265
Journal article

Automated Prediction of Bacterial Exclusion Areas on SEM Images of Graphene–Polymer Composites

Shadi Rahimi, Teo Lovmar, Alexandra Aulova et al
Nanomaterials. Vol. 13 (10)
Journal article

Polysaccharide-based antibacterial coating technologies

Hengzhi Ruan, Alexandra Aulova, Viney Ghai et al
Acta Biomaterialia. Vol. 168, p. 42-77
Review article

Bacterial response to graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide integrated in agar plates

Venkata Raghavendra Subrahmanya Sar Mokkapati, Santosh Pandit, JinHo Kim et al
Royal Society Open Science. Vol. 5 (11)
Journal article

Vertically Aligned Graphene Coating is Bactericidal and Prevents the Formation of Bacterial Biofilms

Santosh Pandit, Z. Cao, Venkata Raghu Mokkapati et al
Advanced Materials Interfaces. Vol. 5 (7)
Journal article

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