Sus Lyckvi

Universitetslektor at Interaction Design and Software Engineering image

Showing 43 publications


How drivers respond to visual vs. auditory information in advisory traffic information systems

Minjuan Wang, Yuan Liao, Sus Lyckvi et al
Behaviour and Information Technology. Vol. 39 (12), p. 1308-1319
Journal article

‘What is fair shipping, anyway?’ Using design fiction to raise ethical awareness in an industrial context

Yiying Wu, Sus Lyckvi, Virpi Roto
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings
Paper in proceeding

The role of design fiction in participatory design processes

Sus Lyckvi, Virpi Roto, Elizabeth Buie et al
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, p. 976-979
Paper in proceeding

Privacy and design ethics vs designing for curiosity, communication and children: Lessons learned

Sus Lyckvi, Olof Torgersson
MobileHCI 2018 - Beyond Mobile: The Next 20 Years - 20th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, Conference Proceedings
Paper in proceeding

Eagons, Exoskeletons and Ecologies: On Expressing and Embodying Fictions as Workshop Tasks

Sus Lyckvi, Yiying Wu, Maria Huusko et al
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, p. 754-770
Paper in proceeding

Using Advisory 3D Sound Cues to Improve Drivers’ Performance and Situation Awareness

Minjuan Wang, Sus Lundgren, Chenhui Hong et al
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM press.. Vol. 2017-May
Paper in proceeding

Same, same but different: How design requirements for an auditory advisory traffic information system differ between Sweden and China

Minjuan Wang, Sus Lyckvi, Fang Chen
AutomotiveUI 2016 - 8th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, Proceedings, p. 75-82
Paper in proceeding

Let's take photos together: Exploring asymmetrical interaction abilities on mobile camera phones

P. Jarusriboonchai, T. Olsson, Sus Lyckvi et al
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, p. 529-540
Paper in proceeding

Why and How Traffic Safety Cultures Matter when Designing Advisory Traffic Information Systems

Minjuan Wang, Sus Lyckvi, Fang Chen
34th Annual Chi Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Chi 2016, p. 2808-2818
Paper in proceeding

Designing Mobile Experiences for Collocated Interaction

Sus Lundgren, Joel E. Fischer, Stuart Reeves et al
CSCW '15: Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing, p. 496-507
Paper in proceeding

Teaching and Supervising Distant Interdisciplinary Design Teams

Sus Lundgren, Jaap Ham, Olof Torgersson
The Value of Design Research, 11th International European Academy of Design Conference
Paper in proceeding

Thrimage: An Empathy-Oriented Discussion Tool for Classroom Use

Sus Lundgren, Olof Torgersson, Staffan Björk
MobileHCI '15: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Service, p. 628-635
Paper in proceeding

Adding a Twist to the Multiple Choice Test

Sus Lundgren
Practical Design Patterns for Teaching and Learning with Technology, p. 251-254, 301-304-
Book chapter

What Drivers Really Want: Investigating Dimensions in Automobile User Needs

Dimitrios Gkouskos, C. J. Normark, Sus Lundgren
International Journal of Design. Vol. 8 (1), p. 59-71
Journal article

Personal or social? Designing mobile interactions for co-located interaction

P. Jarusriboonchai, N. Memarović, Sus Lundgren et al
8th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, NordiCHI 2014; Helsinki; Finland; 26 October 2014 through 30 October 2014, p. 829-832
Paper in proceeding

Design narrative: Lab course on software architectures and web technologies

Sus Lundgren
Practical Design Patterns for Teaching and Learning with Technology, p. 251-254
Book chapter

Pattern: Chaotic multiple choice test

Sus Lundgren
Practical Design Patterns for Teaching and Learning with Technology, p. 301-304
Book chapter

Escaping the obvious: Skewing properties of interaction

Sus Lundgren, Dimitrios Gkouskos
Proceedings of Nordes 2013: Experiments in design research. Vol. 1 (1), p. 32-39
Paper in proceeding

Bursting the Mobile Bubble

Sus Lundgren, Olof Torgersson
Other conference contribution

Toying with time: Considering temporal themes in interactive artifacts

Sus Lundgren
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings, p. 1639-1648
Paper in proceeding

Neither playing nor gaming: Pottering in games

Sus Lundgren, Staffan Björk
2012 Foundation of Digital Games Conference, FDG 2012, Raleigh, 29 May-1 June 2012, p. 113-120
Paper in proceeding

Interaction-Related Properties of Interactive Artifacts

Sus Lundgren
Proceedings of Ambience '11
Paper in proceeding

Alchemy: Dynamic gesture hinting for mobile devices

Sus Lundgren, Martin Hjulström
Proceedings of the 15th International Academic MindTrek Conference: Envisioning Future Media Environments, MindTrek 2011, Tampere, 28 - 30 September 2011, p. 53-60
Paper in proceeding

Exploring aesthetical gameplay design patterns: camaraderie in four games

Karl Bergström, Staffan Björk, Sus Lundgren
Proceedings of the 14th International Academic MindTrek Conference: Envisioning Future Media Environments
Paper in proceeding

Teaching and Learning Aesthetics of Interaction

Sus Lundgren
Doctoral thesis

Case Study. Teaching Design in Large Heterogeneous Classes

Sus Lundgren
Interfaces (79), p. 12-15
Magazine article

Teaching design in large heterogeneous classes

Sus Lundgren
Interfaces (79)
Magazine article

Time, temporality, and interaction

Sus Lundgren, Theo Hultberg
Interactions. Vol. 16 (4), p. 4-37
Magazine article

Exploring the Interplay Between Emotions and Interaction

Sus Lundgren
Proceedings of Nordes 2009 - Engaging Artifacts. Oslo, Norway, 30ieth of August to 1st of September 2009.
Paper in proceeding

Teaching Aesthetics in Interaction Design: Attempt One

Sus Lundgren
Proceedings of the International Conference of Human Computer Interaction Educators 2009 (HCIEd 2009) in Dundee, 22-24 April 2009
Paper in proceeding

Time, Temporality and Interaction

Sus Lundgren, Theo Hultberg
Interactions. Vol. 16 (4), p. 34-37
Magazine article

Exploring Aesthetic Ideals of Gameplay

Sus Lundgren, Karl J Bergström, Staffan Björk
4th Digital Games Research Association International Conference: Breaking New Ground: Innovation in Games, Play, Practice and Theory, DiGRA 2009; London; United Kingdom; 1 September 2009 through 4 September 2009, p. 8-
Paper in proceeding

Designing Games: Why and How

Sus Lundgren
Interactions. Vol. 15 (6), p. 6-12
Magazine article

Treating and Teaching Aesthetics as Personality

Sus Lundgren
NordiCHI 2008: Building Bridges - 5th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction; Lund; Sweden; 20 October 2008 through 22 October 2008. Vol. 358, p. 511-514
Paper in proceeding

Teaching Gameplay Design is Teaching Interaction Design

Sus Lundgren
Proceedings of the International Conference of Human Computer Interaction Educators 2008 (HCIEd 2008) in Rome, 2-4 April 2008., p. 8-
Paper in proceeding

Controlled Confusion: Teaching complex multidisciplinary group work

Sus Lundgren
Proceedings of the International Conference of Human Computer Interaction Educators 2008 (HCIEd 2008) in Rome, 2-4 April 2008., p. 4-
Paper in proceeding

Controlled Confusion: Teaching complex multidisciplinary group work

Sus Lyckvi
Interaction Design and Architecture(s) (3-4), p. 90-93
Journal article

Teaching Gameplay Design is Teaching Interaction Design

Sus Lyckvi
Interaction Design and Architecture(s) (3-4), p. 102-109
Journal article

Teaching Interaction Design: Matters, Materials and Means

Sus Lundgren, Olof Torgersson, Lars Hallnäs et al
In the Wonderground international conference proceedings. November 1-4, 2006, Lisbon, Portugal.
Paper in proceeding

Forces, Clashes and Remnants: a Model for Event-Driven Iterative Multidisciplinary Game Design

Sus Lundgren, Staffan Björk
Proceedings of ACM SIGCHI International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (ACE 2005)
Paper in proceeding

Game Design Patterns

Staffan Björk, Sus Lundgren, Jussi Holopainen
Proceedings of Level Up - 1st International Digital Games Research Conference 2003, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Other conference contribution

Mapping Fabrics to Music: Lessons Learned

Sus Lundgren, Sara Johansson, Fredrik Nilsson et al
Proceedings of The ninth IFIP TC13 international conference on Human-Computer Interaction (Interact 2003), Zürich, Switzerland
Paper in proceeding

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