Malin Tarrar
Showing 23 publications
Driving vehicle dismantling forward - A combined literature and empirical study
Challenges for the Operator 3.0 Addressed Through the Enabling Technologies of the Operator 4.0
Using the compleXity index for improvement work: investigating utilisation in an automotive company
Explore - Exploring the opportunities for advancing vehicle recycling industrialization
Adoption of lean philosophy in car dismantling companies in Sweden-a case study
Understanding disturbance handling in complex assembly: analysis of complexity index method results
Assessment of manual assembly complexity: a theoretical and empirical comparison of two methods
Introducing Customized ICT for Operators in Manufacturing
Using the CompleXity Index to discuss improvements at work: A case study in an automotive company
Perceived production complexity – understanding more than parts of a system
A comparison of two methods for assembly complexity- What are they good for?
Information for operational tasks: five cases in Swedish production
Comparing quantifiable methods to measure complexity in assembly
Using the TRL methodology to design supporting ICT-tools for production operator
ICT usage and benefits in Swedish manufacturing and process companies
Cognitive automation strategie: Improving use-efficiency of carrier and content of information
Refining the needs: An exploratory study through usability testing
Managing production complexity by empowering workers: six cases
Validation of the complexity index method at three manufacturing companies
Could the use of ICT tools be the way to increase competitiveness in Swedish industry?
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Showing 7 research projects
TACO (insTruction innovAtion for Cognitive Optimisation)
Mistra EXPLORE - Exploring the opportunities for advancing vehicle recycling industrialization
5G-Enabled Manufacturing (5GEM)
Virtuella verktyg för service, underhåll och flöden för återtagning av använda produkter (VITS)
COMPLEX - Support for Operation and Man-Hour Planning in Complex Production