Martin Hultman

Senior Researcher at Science, Technology and Society

Why don't we act when we have known the challenges of climate change for over thirty years? Such are the questions Hultman deal with in his research when doing in-depth empirical studies analysed from an inter-disciplinary knowledge base.

Associate professor Hultman is widely published in energy, climate and environmental issues in a vareity of journals, then more than ten books and his work is translated to seven languages. As part of his academic work he publish chronicles in a wide range of newspapers and give public lectures commenting on contemporary politics. Latest book is Climate Obstruction. How Denial, Delay and Inaction are Heating the Planet.

Hultman leads three research groups analyzing ‘masculinities and energy’, ‘rights of nature’ and ‘climate change denial’. He is head of the global research network Center for Studies of Climate Change Denial (CEFORCED) and is part of the management team for the international research project Empower All.

Hultman has been awarded Vattenfall's Marie Nisser's scholarship in 2014, choose as Future Research Leader 2018, selected as the most influential academic in the University of Gothenburg in 2019 and awarded Alumn of the Year 2021 at Linköping University.

1.       Selected management of research projects

Principal investigator

·        Formas, I stormens öga, 2022-01844, 12 000 000 SEK, 2022-2027 

·        Formas, Vatten åt alla varelser, 2022-02102, 16 000 000 SEK, 2022-2027 

·        Vetenskapsrådet/Energimyndigheten, Masculinities of Energy, 2018-2025, 5 000 000 SEK

·        Formas, Research Leader of the Future 2018-2021, 3 000 000 SEK

·        Energimyndigheten, 2018-002424, ”Climate denial”, 5 900 000 SEK, 2018-2024

·        Chalmers, Energy, “Gender, technology and energy”, 1 200 000 SEK, 2019-2021 

·        Formas, ” Circular Economy (2018-2021), 6 000 000 SEK

·        Formas, “Ecopreneurship and small scale energy, 2 300 000 SEK 2013-2014


Associate applicant

·        Vetenskapsrådet, 3 years, (2015-2017), Swedish mining politics, 5 000 0000 SEK

·        Energimyndigheten, 4 years (2015-2018), Gender and Energy, 6 800 000 SEK


 2.       Other scientific assignments

Reviewer of research applications

Norwegian Research Council: "Forskning og innovasjon for framtidens byer (BYFORSK)"

The Velux Foundations: "Forsknings- og formidlingsprojekt (fra et dansk museum/universitet) vedr. de bredere samfundsmæssige forandringer og betydninger af en større oversvømmelse i Danmark tilbage i 1825"

Formas, International network grant for Agenda 2030

Dissertation opponent

Tore Andersson Hjulman, LTU

Moa Sandström, UmU

Lic.avh opponent

Mattis Karlsson, LiU

Grading Board

Lisa Westholm, SLU

Alin Kadfak, GU

Maxim Vlazov, UmU

Ina Knobblock, LU

Coordinator of research networks

Environmental Posthumanities Network funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond.

SweMineTechNet funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond


Hultman, Martin & Kall, Ann-Sofie (2016), Genus och miljö - en fruktbar symbios. Introduktion till specialnummer om genus och miljö,Tidskrift för Genusvetenskap, Vol 37, Nr 1


Hultman, M., Bonnedahl, K. J., & O'Neill, K. J. (2016). Unsustainable societies–sustainable businesses? Introduction to special issue of small enterprise research on transitional Ecopreneurs. Small Enterprise Research, 23(1), 1-9.

Pulé, P.M., & Hultman, M. (2021) Men, Masculinities, and Earth Contending with the (m)Anthropocene. London. Palgrave

Board member of Routledge Studies in Gender and Environments and the journal Norma. Advisory board member in DeCarbon Home and Design bortom framsteg: föreställningar om designhistorier och framtider. 

Image of Martin Hultman

Showing 31 publications


Climate Obstruction in Sweden: The Green Welfare State— Both Progressive and Obstructionist

Kjell Vowles, Kristoffer Ekberg, Martin Hultman
Climate Obstruction Across Europe, p. 109-135
Book chapter

Thirty-five years of research on energy and power: A landscape analysis

Helene Ahlborg, Kavya Michael, Samuel John Unsworth et al
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. Vol. 199
Review article

Gender and Climate Catastrophe

Tara Mehrabi, Martin Hultman, Signe Uldbjerg et al
Women, Gender and Research (1), p. 6-29
Other text in scientific journal

Magnus Boström. The social life of unsustainable mass consumption. Lexington books, 2023

Martin Hultman
Sociologisk Forskning. Vol. 60 (3-4), p. 362-366
Review article

Dismantling Power and Bringing Reflexivity into the Eco-modern Home

Olufolahan Osunmuyiwa, Helene Ahlborg, Martin Hultman et al
Buildings and Cities. Vol. In press
Other text in scientific journal

A Question of Utter Importance: The Early History of Climate Change and Energy Policy in Sweden, 1974–1983

Kristoffer Ekberg, Martin Hultman
Environment and History. Vol. 29 (3), p. 399-421
Journal article

When gender equality and Earth care meet: Ecological masculinities in practice

Robin Hedenqvist, Paul Pulé, Vidar Vetterfalk et al
Gender, Intersectionality and Climate Institutions in Industrialise States; Gunnhildur Lily Magnusdottir and Annica Kronselld eds., p. 207-225 (chapter 12)
Book chapter

Scare-quoting climate: The rapid rise of climate denial in the Swedish far-right media ecosystem

Kjell Vowles, Martin Hultman
Nordic Journal of Media Studies. Vol. 3 (1), p. 79-95
Journal article

Ökologische Männlichkeiten: Auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Normalität

Martin Hultman
ZDfm – Zeitschrift für Diversitätsforschung und -management. Vol. 6 (1), p. 8-22
Journal article

Discussions at the Table

Paul Pulé, Martin Hultman, Angelica Wågström
Palgrave Studies in the History of Science and Technology, p. 17-101
Book chapter

“Don’t confuse me with facts”—how right wing populism affects trust in agencies advocating anthropogenic climate change as a reality

Olve Krange, Bjørn P. Kaltenborn, Martin Hultman
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications. Vol. 8 (1)
Journal article

Three Decades of Climate Mitigation: Why Haven't We Bent the Global Emissions Curve?

Isak Stoddard, Kevin Anderson, Stuart Capstick et al
Annual Review of Environment and Resources. Vol. 46, p. 653-689
Review article

Maskuliniteter och klimatpolitik

Martin Hultman, Kristoffer Ekberg
Feministiska perspektiv på global politik
Book chapter

Dead White men vs. Greta Thunberg: Nationalism, Misogyny, and Climate Change Denial in Swedish far-right Digital Media

Kjell Vowles, Martin Hultman
Australian Feminist Studies. Vol. 36 (110), p. 414-431
Journal article

The Process of Ecologisation: Is Schwarzenegger Back to Teach Us Something New?

Martin Hultman
Palgrave Studies in the History of Science and Technology, p. 169-181
Book chapter

Going Forth with Gusto and Grace

Paul Pulé, Martin Hultman, Angelica Wågström
Palgrave Studies in the History of Science and Technology, p. 587-639
Book chapter

Upphettning - Demokratin i klimatkrisens tid

Daniel Lindvall, Kjell Vowles, Martin Hultman

Ecological masculinities: a response to societal crises of our time

Martin Hultman, Paul Pulé
Narodonaselenie (Population). Vol. 23 (2), p. 61-71
Journal article

Science Communication and Social LCA: Can the twain meet? Initial findings from an Oatly study

Anwesha Chakraborty, Henrikke Baumann, Martin Hultman
Collection FruiTrop Thema Social LCA. Vol. 5, p. 206-209
Paper in proceeding

Social and ecological entrepreneurship in a circular economy: the need for understanding transitional agency

Malin Henriksson, Martin Hultman, Nils Johansson et al
A Research Agenda for Social Entrepreneurship / [ed] Anne de Bruin and Simon Teasdale, p. 113-120
Book chapter

The far right and climate change denial: Denouncing environmental challenges via anti-establishment rhetoric, marketing of doubts, industrial/breadwinner masculinities enactments and ethno-nationalism

Martin Hultman, Anna Björk, Tamya Viinikka
The far right and the environment: Politics, discourse and communication, p. 121-135
Book chapter

Flera generationer av klimatsvek

Martin Hultman
Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift. Vol. 96 (3), p. 431-433
Magazine article

Men in Nature: a critical analysis of the Mythopoetic Men’s Movement

Paul Pulé, Martin Hultman
Ecomasculinities : Negotiating Male Gender Identity in U.S. Fiction; Rubén Cenamor and Stefan L. Brandt (eds). , p. 31-50 (Chapter 2)
Book chapter

Ecological masculinities: a response to the Manthropocene question?

Martin Hultman, Paul Pulé
Routledge International Handbook of Masculinity Studies; ed. by Lucas Gottzén, Ulf Mellström, Tamara Shefer, p. Part 6,-Chapter 46
Book chapter

Den inställda klimatomställningen : Politik och teknik 1980-talets Sverige

Martin Hultman
Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift. Vol. 96 (3), p. 401-405
Magazine article

Industrial/Breadwinner Masculinities and Climate 4 Change: Understanding the ‘White Male Effect’ of Climate Change Denial

Paul Pulé, Martin Hultman
Climate Hazards, Disasters, and Gender Ramifications; eds. Catarina Kinnvall, Helle Rydstrom, p. 86-97
Book chapter

Cool dudes in Norway: climate change denial among conservative Norwegian men

Olve Krange, Bjørn P. Kaltenborn, Martin Hultman
Environmental Sociology. Vol. 5 (1), p. 1-11
Journal article

Naturens rättigheter : När lagen ger fred med jorden

Nikolas Berg, Ingrid Berg, Martin Hultman

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Showing 12 research projects


Water for all species. Rights of Nature as ecohabitat governance

Martin Hultman Science, Technology and Society


Water for all species. Rights of Nature as ecohabitat governance.

Martin Hultman Science, Technology and Society


In the eye of the storm. Climate adaptions in periods of rising polarisation and desinformation.

Martin Hultman Science, Technology and Society
Anton Törnberg Physical Resource Theory


Empowering all. Gender in policy and implementation for achieving transitions to sustainable energy

Anna Åberg Science, Technology and Society
Helene Ahlborg Environmental Systems Analysis
Olufolahan Osunmuyiwa Environmental Systems Analysis
Martin Hultman Science, Technology and Society
Kavya Michael Environmental Systems Analysis
Swedish Energy Agency

2 publications exist

Sociotechnical perspectives on energy: Integrating perspectives from the Humanities and social sciences into Swedish and International Energy policy

Anna Åberg Science, Technology and Society
Martin Hultman Science, Technology and Society


Men and energy. Studying different masculinities and technology within the energy sector

Martin Hultman Science, Technology and Society
Swedish Energy Agency


Revitalization and Sustainability

Martin Hultman Science, Technology and Society


Gender, technology and energy. A Post‐doc gender analysis of the energy sector

Martin Hultman Science, Technology and Society


Gendered sustainability: Norm-critical explorations of energy practices for everyday transitions

Martin Hultman Science, Technology and Society
Swedish Energy Agency


Why is not climate science taken for real? Studies of climate change denialism

Martin Hultman Science, Technology and Society
Swedish Energy Agency

12 publications exist

Practising green futures? Ecopreneurship and Social entrepreneurship in a Circular Economy

Martin Hultman Science, Technology and Society


Road to transition? Gender analysis of energy- and environmental politics 1971-1991

Martin Hultman Science, Technology and Society
Swedish Energy Agency

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