Martin Eriksson

Showing 46 publications


Framework for the environmental impact assessment of operational shipping

Jana Moldanova, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Volker Matthias et al
Ambio. Vol. 51 (3), p. 754-769
Journal article

Modelling spatial dispersion of contaminants from shipping lanes in the Baltic Sea

Ilja Maljutenko, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Martin Eriksson et al
Marine Pollution Bulletin. Vol. 173
Journal article

Modelling of discharges from baltic sea shipping

J. P. Jalkanen, L. Johansson, Magda Wilewska-Bien et al
Ocean Science. Vol. 17 (3), p. 699-728
Journal article

Environmental impacts of grey water discharge from ships in the Baltic Sea

Erik Ytreberg, Martin Eriksson, Ilja Maljutenko et al
Marine Pollution Bulletin. Vol. 152
Journal article

Triclosan changes community composition and selects for specific bacterial taxa in marine periphyton biofilms in low nanomolar concentrations

Martin Eriksson, Sanli Kemal, Nilsson Rickard Henrik et al
Ecotoxicology. Vol. 29 (7), p. 1083-1094
Journal article

A comprehensive survey of integron-associated genes present in metagenomes

Mariana Buongermino Pereira, Tobias Österlund, Martin Eriksson et al
BMC Genomics. Vol. 21 (1)
Journal article

Model for leisure boat activities and emissions – implementation for the Baltic Sea

Lasse Johansson, Erik Ytreberg, Jukka-Pekka Jalkanen et al
Ocean Science. Vol. 16 (5), p. 1143-1163
Journal article

Shipborne nutrient dynamics and impact on the eutrophication in the Baltic Sea

Urmas Raudsepp, Ilja Maljutenko, Mariliis Kouts et al
Science of the Total Environment. Vol. 671, p. 189-207
Journal article

Copper Affects Composition and Functioning of Microbial Communities in Marine Biofilms at Environmentally Relevant Concentrations

Natalia Corcoll, Jianghua Yang, Thomas Backhaus et al
Frontiers in Microbiology. Vol. 9 (JAN)
Journal article

Metaxa2 Database Builder: enabling taxonomic identification from metagenomic or metabarcoding data using any genetic marker

Johan Bengtsson Palme, Rodney T. Richardson, Marco Meola et al
Bioinformatics. Vol. 34 (23), p. 4027-4033
Journal article

Comparison of four DNA extraction methods for comprehensive assessment of 16S rRNA bacterial diversity in marine biofilms using high-throughput sequencing

Natàlia Corcoll, Tobias Österlund, Lucas Sinclair et al
FEMS Microbiology Letters. Vol. 364 (14)
Journal article

Chemical monitoring of Swedish coastal waters indicates common exceedances of environmental thresholds, both for individual substances as well as their mixtures

B. M. Gustaysson, J. Magner, B. C. Almroth et al
Marine Pollution Bulletin. Vol. 122 (1-2), p. 409-419
Journal article

Discharges to the sea

Fredrik Lindgren, Magda Wilewska-Bien, Lena Granhag et al
Shipping and the Environment: Improving Environmental Performance in Marine Transportation, p. 125-168
Book chapter

Minimal selective concentrations of tetracycline in complex aquatic bacterial biofilms

Sara Lundström, M. Ostman, Johan Bengtsson Palme et al
Science of the Total Environment. Vol. 553, p. 587-95
Journal article

Pollution-induced community tolerance (PICT): towards an ecologically relevant risk assessment of chemicals in aquatic systems

A. Tlili, A. Berard, H. Blanck et al
Freshwater Biology. Vol. 61 (12), p. 2141-2151
Journal article

Metagenomic Sequencing of Marine Periphyton: Taxonomic and Functional Insights into Biofilm Communities

Kemal Sanli, Johan Bengtsson Palme, R. Henrik Nilsson et al
Frontiers in Microbiology. Vol. 6 (1192)
Journal article

Comparison of different DNA extraction methods for marine periphyton and its implications for ecotoxico-metagenomics

Natàlia Corcoll, Martin Eriksson, Moritz Buck et al
Poster Presentation at the SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting, Barcelona, Spain
Conference poster

Metaxa2: Improved identification and taxonomic classification of small and large subunit rRNA in metagenomic data

Johan Bengtsson Palme, Martin Hartmann, Martin Eriksson et al
Molecular Ecology Resources. Vol. 15 (6), p. 1403-1414
Journal article

Long-term effects of the antibacterial agent triclosan on marine periphyton communities

Martin Eriksson, Carl-Henrik Johansson, Viktor Fihlman et al
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Vol. 34 (9), p. 2067-2077
Journal article

Improved software detection and extraction of ITS1 and ITS2 from ribosomal ITS sequences of fungi and other eukaryotes for analysis of environmental sequencing data

Johan Bengtsson Palme, Martin Ryberg, Martin Hartmann et al
Methods in Ecology and Evolution. Vol. 4 (10), p. 914-919
Journal article

Metaxa, overview

Johan Bengtsson Palme, Martin Hartmann, Martin Eriksson et al
Encyclopedia of Metagenomics
Book chapter

High-Throughput Diversity Analysis and Quality Control of Environmental Data Derived from Next-Generation Sequencing Studies

Johan Bengtsson, Martin Hartmann, Martin Eriksson et al
ISME14 Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2012
Conference poster

Effects of Seven Antifouling Compounds on Photosynthesis and Inorganic Carbon Use in Sugar Kelp Saccharina latissima (Linnaeus)

P. Johansson, Martin Eriksson, Lennart Axelsson et al
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. Vol. 63 (3), p. 365-377
Journal article

Starting to unravel the layer of life on surfaces in the sea: Metagenomics of complex marine biofilm communities

Martin Eriksson, Kemal Sanli, Johan Bengtsson et al
ISME14 Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2012-08-20
Conference poster

Five simple guidelines for establishing basic authenticity and reliability of newly generated fungal ITS sequences

R. Henrik Nilsson, Leho Tedersoo, Kessy Abarenkov et al
MycoKeys. Vol. 4, p. 37-63
Journal article

Metaxa: Automated detection and discrimination among ribosomal small subunit (12S/16S/18S) sequences of archaea, bacteria, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts

Johan Bengtsson, Martin Eriksson, Martin Hartmann et al
SocBiN Bioinformatics Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 2011
Conference poster

Long-term effects of lowered pH on marine periphyton communities

Martin Eriksson, Henrik Johansson, Hans Blanck et al
SETAC (Society of environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) Europe, 21st Annual Meeting
Conference poster

Metaxa: a software tool for automated detection and discrimination among ribosomal small subunit (12S/16S/18S) sequences of archaea, bacteria, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts in metagenomes and environmental sequencing datasets

Johan Bengtsson, Martin Eriksson, Martin Hartmann et al
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology. Vol. 100 (3), p. 471-475
Journal article

LAS degradability by marine biofilms derived from seawater in Spain and Sweden

Aourell Mauffret, D. C. Gillan, Martin Eriksson et al
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. Vol. 74 (5), p. 1250-1256
Journal article

Effects of sequential exposure to Ciprofloxacin and Sulfamethoxazole in marine microbial biofilms

Henrik Johansson, Martin Eriksson, Lisa Janmar et al
SETAC (Society of environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) Europe, 21st Annual Meeting
Conference poster

Community level analysis of psbA gene sequences and irgarol tolerance in marine periphyton

Martin Eriksson, Adrian K Clarke, L.-G. Franzen et al
Applied and Environmental Microbiology. Vol. 75 (4), p. 897-906
Journal article

A retrospective analysis of contamination and periphyton PICT patterns for the antifoulant irgarol 1051, around a small marina on the Swedish west coast

Hans Blanck, Martin Eriksson, Frederick Grönvall et al
Marine Pollution Bulletin. Vol. 58 (2), p. 230-237
Journal article

A phylogenetic approach to detect selection on the target site of the antifouling compound irgarol in tolerant periphyton communities

Martin Eriksson, Alexandre Antonelli, R. Henrik Nilsson et al
Environmental Microbiology. Vol. 11 (8), p. 2065-2077
Journal article

LAS marine biodegradability assessment using an innovative tool

Aourell Mauffret, D Gillan, Martin Eriksson et al
CESIO 7th World Surfactants Congress
Other conference contribution

LAS marine biodegrading microbial communities from Southern and Northern Europe

Aourell Mauffret, A Rottiers, D Gillan et al
SETAC (Society of environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) Europe, 18:th Annual meeting
Conference poster

PARAMETERS AFFECTING LAS BIODEGRADATION IN MARINE CONDITIONS: Effects of biomass, acclimation and temperature on the LAS mineralization

Aourell Mauffret, A Rottiers, T Federle et al
SETAC (Society of environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) Europe, 17:th Annual meeting
Conference poster

Pollution-induced community tolerance to irgarol in periphyton communities. Community level analysis of the psb A gene

Martin Eriksson, Hans Blanck, Adrian K Clarke et al
ISME (International Society for Microbial Ecology) 11:th International Symposium
Conference poster

Pollution-induced community tolerance to irgarol in periphyton communities. Community level analysis of the psb A gene

Martin Eriksson, Hans Blanck, Adrian K Clarke et al
SETAC (Society of environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) Europe, 16:th Annual meeting.
Other conference contribution

Pollution-induced community tolerance to irgarol in periphyton communities. Community level analysis of the psb A gene

Martin Eriksson, Hans Blanck, Adrian K Clarke et al
SETAC (Society of environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) North America, 27:th Annual meeting
Other conference contribution

Medetomidine – effects of a new antifoulant on community structure in periphyton communities

Cecilia Petersson, Martin Eriksson, Göran Birgersson et al
SETAC (Society of environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) Europe, 16:th Annual meeting
Conference poster

Acute toxicity of antifouling biocides to Laminaria Saccharina. Impacts on photosynthesis, inorganic carbon utilisation and short term recovery

Per Johansson, Martin Eriksson, Lennart Axelsson et al
SETAC (Society of environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) Europe, 16:th Annual meeting
Conference poster

Medetomidine - effects on physiology, community structure and functional diversity in algal and bacterial communities

Cecilia Petersson, Martin Eriksson, Göran Birgersson et al
SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) North America 26:th Annual Meeting
Other conference contribution

Effects of anti-fouling agents on photosynthesis in coastal phytoplankton communities

Martin Eriksson, Hans Blanck
SETAC (Society of environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) Europe 2002, 12:th Annual meeting
Conference poster

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Showing 3 research projects


Sustainable Shipping and Environment of the Baltic Sea region (SHEBA)

Lena Granhag Maritime Environmental Sciences
Erik Ytreberg Maritime Environmental Sciences
Rickard Bensow Marine Technology
Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Kent Salo Maritime Environmental Sciences
Martin Eriksson Maritime Environmental Sciences
Magda Wilewska-Bien Maritime Environmental Sciences
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Baltic Organisations' Network for Funding Science EEIG (BONUS)

4 publications exist

INTERACT - The interaction of metals and biocides with the selection of antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Martin Eriksson Maritime Environmental Sciences

4 publications exist

NICE - Novel instruments for effect-based assessment of chemical pollution in coastal ecosystems

Erik Kristiansson Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Martin Eriksson Maritime Environmental Sciences

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