Laura Estévez Mauriz
Urban sound planner. Architect. PhD in Applied Acoustics. Posdoctoral Resarcher.
Showing 26 publications
How can we plan for a good urban sound environment, focusing on road traffic noise?
Performance of a Low-Height Acoustic Screen for Urban Roads: Field Measurement and Numerical Study
Prediction of quiet side levels in noise map calculations - an initial suggestion of methodology
Is the sound environment relevant for how people use common spaces?
The urban form and the sound environment - Tools and approaches
Background traffic noise synthesis
A low-height acoustic screen in a setting with an urban road: measured and predicted insertion loss
SONORUS Urban sound planning project and test sites: an example within the planning stage
Auralisation methods as tools for urban traffic noise assessment
Traffic dynamics, road design and noise emission: a study case
SONORUS report on Göteborg Test Site including Urban Sound Planning Workshop
Vägdesign och bulleremission – exempel på dynamisk bullerkarta
Incorporation of the quiet side in noise maps
Acoustic characterization of pedestrian areas
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Showing 3 research projects
IDEA League Doctoral School on Urban Systems and Sustainability
The Urban Sound Planner (SONORUS)