Johanna Merisalu
Johanna is a doctoral student at the division of Geology and Geotechnics, research group Engineering Geology. Johanna conducts her research studies in the project “Decision analysis and management of hydrogeological risks in underground construction in urban environments”. This project is trans-disciplinary between geology, hydrogeology and risk management. The research aims at sustainable management and communication of hydrogeological risks in underground constructions.

Showing 7 publications
Probabilistic cost-benefit analysis for mitigating hydrogeological risks in underground construction
Villkorsutformning för grundvattenbortledning vid undermarksbyggande
Hydrogeological reference conditions for assessment of environmental impact and for grouting design
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Showing 3 research projects
Samhällsekonomisk analys av hydrogeologiska störningar i undermarksprojekt
Riskanalys av hydrogeologiska störningar i undermarksprojekt
Villkorsutformning för grundvattenpåverkan vid utförande av undermarksanläggningar