Magnus Nydén
Showing 94 publications
Composite alginate gels for tunable cellular microenvironment mechanics
On the percolation of alginate/calcium systems at low concentrations
Use of microcapsules as controlled release devices for coatings
Magnetic alignment of nontronite dispersions
Magnetic orientation of nontronite clay in aqueous dispersions and its effect on water diffusion
Pore size effects on convective flow and diffusion through nanoporous silica gels
Cu(i) stabilizing crosslinked polyethyleneimine
Smart polymer-clay composite nanomaterials
One-pot synthesis of TBTA-functionalized coordinating polymers
CP/MAS C-13 NMR study of pulp hornification using nanocrystalline cellulose as a model system
Imidazole and Triazole Coordination Chemistry for Antifouling Coatings
Encapsulation of actives for sustained release
Impact of long-term frozen storage on the dynamics of water and ice in wheat bread
An efficient eigenfunction approach to calculate spin-echo signals in heterogeneous porous media
The Importance of Proper Anchoring of an Amphiphilic Dispersant for Colloidal Stability
Composite silica gel as test bed for flow in nano porous materials
Microstructure of polymer hydrogels studied by pulsed field gradient NMR diffusion and TEM methods
Hydrodynamic dispersion in beta-lactoglobulin gels measured by PGSE NMR
Chemical release from single PMMA microparticles monitored by CARS microscopy
A mixed basis approach in the SGP-limit
New Route for Microcapsule Synthesis
Fuel emulsions and microemulsions based on Fischer-Tropsch diesel
Molecular release from painted surfaces: Free and encapsulated biocides
Pixel-based analysis of FRAP data with a general initial bleaching profile
NMR cryoporometry to study the fiber wall structure and the effect of drying
The Challenge to Find New Sustainable Antifouling Approaches for Shipping
Fischer-Tropsch diesel emulsions stabilised by microfibrillated cellulose and nonionic surfactants
Comparison of release behaviour from microcapsules and microspheres
Chemical Shift Imaging NMR to track gel formation
Water-in-diesel microemulsions studied by NMR diffusometry
Determination of local diffusion properties in heterogeneous biomaterials
NMR for studying structure and dynamics in colloidal systems
Brownian dynamics simulations in hydrogels using an adaptive time-stepping algorithm
Dendrimer diffusion in k-carrageenan gel structures
UV Induced Cross-linking of Starch Modified with Glycidyl Methacrylate
The challenge to find new sustainable antifouling approaches for shipping
Comparison of PEI-PEG and PLL-PEG Copolymer Coatings on the Prevention of Protein Fouling
Dissolution and gellation of cellulose in TBAF/DMSO solutions: The role of fluoride ions and water
Water-Based Latex Dispersions. 5: NMR Relaxation Studies of Deuterium Labeled Nonylphenol Ethoxylate
Towards a biosensor immunoassay of protein-bound isopeptides in human plasma
A pixel-based likelihood framework for analysis of fluorescence recovery after photobleaching data
Interactions between benzyl benzoate and single- and double-chain quaternary ammonium surfactants.
Identification of the three-dimensional gel microstructure from transmission electron micrographs
The effect of microstructure on solvent and solute diffusion on the micro-and nanolength scales
Aggregation behavior and size of lipopolysaccharide from Escherichia coli O55:B5
Complexation Chemistry for Tuning Release from Polymer Coatings
The importance of microstructure for water diffusion on micro and nano length scales
Lipopolysaccharide removal by a peptide-functionalized surface
Power Laws in the Dynamics of Polymer Solutions
Functional groups in fractionated asphaltenes and the adsorption of amphiphilic molecules
Kinetics of the self-assembly of gemini surfactants
Diffusion of water in multilamellar vesicles of dialkyl and dialkyl ester ammonium surfactants
Power Laws in Polymer Solution Dynamics
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