Philip Krantz

Showing 28 publications


Demonstration of Density Matrix Exponentiation Using a Superconducting Quantum Processor

M. Kjaergaard, M. E. Schwartz, A. Greene et al
Physical Review X. Vol. 12 (1)
Journal article

Simplified Josephson-junction fabrication process for reproducibly high-performance superconducting qubits

Amr Osman, James Simon, Andreas Bengtsson et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 118 (6)
Journal article

Characterizing decoherence rates of a superconducting qubit by direct microwave scattering

Yong Lu, Andreas Bengtsson, Jonathan Burnett et al
npj Quantum Information. Vol. 7 (1)
Journal article

Generating spatially entangled itinerant photons with waveguide quantum electrodynamics

Bharath Kannan, Daniel L. Campbell, F. Vasconcelos et al
Science advances. Vol. 6 (41)
Journal article

Waveguide quantum electrodynamics with superconducting artificial giant atoms

Bharath Kannan, Max J. Ruckriegel, Daniel L. Campbell et al
Nature. Vol. 583 (7818), p. 775-779
Journal article

Superconducting Qubits: Current State of Play

M. Kjaergaard, Mollie E. Schwartz, Jochen Braumüller et al
Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics. Vol. 11, p. 369-395
Review article

Improved Success Probability with Greater Circuit Depth for the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm

Andreas Bengtsson, Pontus Vikstål, Christopher Warren et al
Physical Review Applied. Vol. 14 (3)
Journal article

Coherent control of a hybrid superconducting circuit made with graphene-based van der Waals heterostructures

Joel I-J Wang, Daniel Rodan-Legrain, Landry Bretheau et al
Nature Nanotechnology. Vol. 14 (2), p. 120-125
Journal article

A quantum engineer's guide to superconducting qubits

Philip Krantz, M. Kjaergaard, F. Yan et al
Applied Physics Reviews. Vol. 6 (2)
Journal article

Microwave photon generation in a doubly tunable superconducting resonator

Ida-Maria Svensson, Mathieu Pierre, Michael Roger Andre Simoen et al
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 969 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Distinguishing coherent and thermal photon noise in a circuit quantum electrodynamical system

Fei Yan, Daniel L Campbell, Philip Krantz et al
Physical Review Letters. Vol. 120 (26)
Journal article

Nondegenerate parametric oscillations in a tunable superconducting resonator

Andreas Bengtsson, Philip Krantz, Michael Roger Andre Simoen et al
Physical Review B. Vol. 97 (14)
Journal article

Tunable Coupling Scheme for Implementing High-Fidelity Two-Qubit Gates

Fei Yan, Philip Krantz, Youngkyu Sung et al
Physical Review Applied. Vol. 10 (5)
Journal article

3D integrated superconducting qubits

D. Rosenberg, D. Kim, R. Das et al
npj Quantum Information. Vol. 3
Journal article

Period-tripling subharmonic oscillations in a driven superconducting resonator

Ida-Maria Svensson, Andreas Bengtsson, Philip Krantz et al
Physical Review B. Vol. 96 (17), p. 174503-
Journal article

Single-shot read-out of a superconducting qubit using a Josephson parametric oscillator

Philip Krantz, Andreas Bengtsson, Michael Roger Andre Simoen et al
Nature Communications. Vol. 7 (11417)
Journal article

Direct observation of the thickness distribution of ultra thin AlOx barriers in Al/AlOx/Al Josephson junctions

Lunjie Zeng, Samira Mousavi Nik, Tine Greibe et al
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. Vol. 48 (39)
Journal article

Characterization of a multimode coplanar waveguide parametric amplifier

Michael Roger Andre Simoen, C. W. S. Chang, Philip Krantz et al
Journal of Applied Physics. Vol. 118 (15), p. 154501-
Journal article

The atomic details of the interfacial interaction between the bottom electrode of Al/AlOx/Al Josephson junctions and HF-treated Si substrates

Lunjie Zeng, Philip Krantz, Samira Mousavi Nik et al
Journal of Applied Physics. Vol. 117 (16)
Journal article

The pumpistor: A linearized model of a flux-pumped superconducting quantum interference device for use as a negative-resistance parametric amplifier

Kyle Sundqvist, Seckin Kintas, Michael Roger Andre Simoen et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 103 (102603)
Journal article

Fabrication of large dimension aluminum air-bridges for superconducting quantum circuits

Mohammad Abuwasib, Philip Krantz, Per Delsing
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Nanotechnology and Microelectronics. Vol. 31 (3), p. 031601-
Journal article

Investigation of nonlinear effects in Josephson parametric oscillators used in circuit quantum electrodynamics

Philip Krantz, Yarema Reshitnyk, Waltraut Wustmann et al
New Journal of Physics. Vol. 15, p. (article nr) 105002-
Journal article

Parametrically pumped superconducting circuits

Philip Krantz
Licentiate thesis

Coupling of an erbium spin ensemble to a superconducting resonator

Matthias Staudt, Io Chun Hoi, Philip Krantz et al
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. Vol. 45 (12), p. Art. no. 124019-
Journal article

Niobium and Aluminum Josephson Junctions Fabricated with a Damascene CMP Process

Abelaziz Ramzi, Serge Charlebois, Philip Krantz
Physics Procedia. Vol. 36, p. 211-216
Paper in proceeding

An On-Chip Mach-Zehnder Interferometer in the Microwave Regime

Steven Schuermans, Michael Roger Andre Simoen, Martin Sandberg et al
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity. Vol. 21 (3), p. 448-451
Journal article

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