Rahul Rajendra Pai
Rahul Rajendra Pai is a PhD student in the Crash Analysis and Prevention Group, within the division of Vehicle Safety. His research focuses on the understanding of crash causation mechanisms and the infrastructural factors contributing to safety critical events on e-scooters. The research is mainly carried out using naturalistic data collected from shared e-scooters equipped with data loggers.

Showing 8 publications
Is the risk worth the ride? Crash causation analyses of naturalistic e-scooter data
Naturalistic micromobility data: opportunities and threats
Seeing is Believing: How Artificial Eyes Are Making Micromobility Safer
What’s actually safe, and what isn’t? Learnings from a camera-based behaviour analysis
E-Scooters: Transport or leisure? Findings from naturalistic data collection
Design and development of an automatic dry waste segregator for household and institutional wastes
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Showing 2 research projects
Safe integration of micro-mobility in the transport system - SIMT