Rahul Rajendra Pai

Doctoral Student at Vehicle Safety

Rahul Rajendra Pai is a PhD student in the Crash Analysis and Prevention Group, within the division of Vehicle Safety. His research focuses on the understanding of crash causation mechanisms and the infrastructural factors contributing to safety critical events on e-scooters. The research is mainly carried out using naturalistic data collected from shared e-scooters equipped with data loggers.

Source: chalmers.se
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Showing 8 publications


Understanding factors influencing e-scooterist crash risk: A naturalistic study of rental e-scooters in an urban area

Rahul Rajendra Pai, Marco Dozza
Accident Analysis and Prevention. Vol. 209
Journal article

Naturalistic micromobility data: opportunities and threats

Marco Dozza, Rahul Rajendra Pai, Alexander Rasch
Other conference contribution

Seeing is Believing: How Artificial Eyes Are Making Micromobility Safer

Rahul Rajendra Pai, Luhan Fang, Yahui Wu et al
Other conference contribution

What’s actually safe, and what isn’t? Learnings from a camera-based behaviour analysis

Rahul Rajendra Pai, Christy Pearson
Other conference contribution

E-Scooters: Transport or leisure? Findings from naturalistic data collection

Rahul Rajendra Pai, Marco Dozza
International Cycling Safety Conference (ICSC) 2023, Book of Abstracts, p. 16-18
Other conference contribution

Design and development of an automatic dry waste segregator for household and institutional wastes

Rahul Rajendra Pai, Pavan Janardhana Bangera, Mohammed Mubeen Shaikh et al
Materials Today: Proceedings. Vol. 52, p. 1048-1054
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 2 research projects


MicroVision - Development, Testing, and Demonstration of a Real-Time Support System for Electric Vehicle Riders

Alexander Rasch Vehicle Safety
Rahul Rajendra Pai Vehicle Safety
Marco Dozza Vehicle Safety

4 publications exist

Safe integration of micro-mobility in the transport system - SIMT

Marco Dozza Crash Analysis and Prevention
Giulio Bianchi Piccinini Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics and Automation, Design along with Shipping and Marine Engineering
Rikard Fredriksson Vehicle Safety
Rahul Rajendra Pai Vehicle Safety
Swedish Transport Administration

6 publications exist
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