Masoud Rashidi
Showing 23 publications
High temperature oxidation behavior of DMLs produced inconel 625
Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and oxidation properties of Inconel 625 processed by LPBF
Mechanistic insights into the transformation processes in Z-phase strengthened 12% Cr steels
Graphitic microstructure and performance of carbon fibre Li-ion structural battery electrodes
Atom probe study of MX to Z-phase transformation in Z-phase strengthened 12%Cr steels
Core-Shell Structure of Intermediate Precipitates in a Nb-Based Z-Phase Strengthened 12% Cr Steel
Microstructure of Z-Phase Strengthened Martensitic Steels: Meeting the 650°C Challenge
A new 12% chromium steel strengthened by Z-phase precipitates
Tantalum and niobium based Z-phase in a Z-phase strengthened 12% Cr steel
Development of a new generation of 12% Cr steels: Z-phase strengthened steels
Microstructure characterization of two Z-phase strengthened 12%chromium steels
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Showing 3 research projects
Nickel-based material for additive manufacturing
Powder and materials design for flexible high-quality additive manufacturing
Design of a new generation of 12% chromium steels