Shadi Rahimi

Research Specialist at Systems and Synthetic Biology

Shadi Rahimi works as the researcher in the division of Systems and Synthetic Biology. She focuses her research on bacterial metabolite engineering. The goal is to get benefits of the bacterial metabolism for biotechnological production of biofuel and valuable metabolites.

Image of Shadi Rahimi

Showing 30 publications


Apoptotic cell death of stomach cancer lines (AGS) induced by Co-NTB complex through cellular organelles and DNA damage

Sri Renukadevi Balusamy, Mani Balamurugan, Sumitha Purushothaman et al
RSC Advances. Vol. 15 (2), p. 739-747
Journal article

Learning by teaching efficiently enhances learning outcomes in molecular biology of the cell course

Ivan Mijakovic, Shadi Rahimi
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. Vol. 52 (1), p. 15-24
Journal article

Screening the critical protein subnetwork to delineate potential mechanisms and protective agents associated with arsenic-induced cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma: A toxicogenomic study

Mehdi Koushki, Nasrin Amiri-Dashatan, Mostafa Rezaei-Tavirani et al
Food and Chemical Toxicology. Vol. 185
Journal article

Graphene nanospikes exert bactericidal effect through mechanical damage and oxidative stress

Yanyan Chen, Santosh Pandit, Shadi Rahimi et al
Carbon. Vol. 218
Journal article

Biofilm formation and dispersal of Staphylococcus aureus wound isolates in microtiter plate-based 2-D wound model

Jose Luis Martinez Ruiz, Erik Gerner, Shadi Rahimi et al
Heliyon. Vol. 10 (13)
Journal article

A comprehensive review on Moringa oleifera nanoparticles: importance of polyphenols in nanoparticle synthesis, nanoparticle efficacy and their applications

Haribalan Perumalsamy, Sri Renukadevi Balusamy, Johan Sukweenadhi et al
Journal of Nanobiotechnology. Vol. 22 (1)
Review article

CRISPR-Cas target recognition for sensing viral and cancer biomarkers

Shadi Rahimi, Sri Renukadevi Balusamy, Haribalan Perumalsamy et al
Nucleic Acids Research. Vol. 52 (17), p. 10040-10067
Review article

Automated Prediction of Bacterial Exclusion Areas on SEM Images of Graphene–Polymer Composites

Shadi Rahimi, Teo Lovmar, Alexandra Aulova et al
Nanomaterials. Vol. 13 (10)
Journal article

A comprehensive and systemic review of ginseng-based nanomaterials: Synthesis, targeted delivery, and biomedical applications

Sri Renukadevi Balusamy, Haribalan Perumalsamy, Md Amdadul Huq et al
Medicinal Research Reviews. Vol. 43 (5), p. 1374-1410
Review article

Synthetic biology tools for environmental protection

Javad Aminian-Dehkordi, Shadi Rahimi, Mehdi Golzar-Ahmadi et al
Biotechnology Advances. Vol. 68
Review article

Substrate-derived Sortase A inhibitors: targeting an essential virulence factor of Gram-positive pathogenic bacteria

Helal Abujubara, Jordi C. J. Hintzen, Shadi Rahimi et al
Chemical Science. Vol. 14 (25), p. 6975-6985
Journal article

Antibiotic-Loaded Boron Nitride Nanoconjugate with Strong Performance against Planktonic Bacteria and Biofilms

Jian Zhang, Nisha Neupane, Puspa Raj Dahal et al
ACS Applied Bio Materials. Vol. 6 (8), p. 3131-3142
Journal article

Differences in interaction of graphene/graphene oxide with bacterial and mammalian cell membranes

Victor Lanai, Yanyan Chen, Elena Naumovska et al
Nanoscale. Vol. 16 (3), p. 1156-1166
Journal article

Enriched microbial communities for ammonium and nitrite removal from recirculating aquaculture systems

Alireza Neissi, Gholamreza Rafiee, Shadi Rahimi et al
Chemosphere. Vol. 295
Journal article

Chitosan, chitosan nanoparticles and modified chitosan biomaterials, a potential tool to combat salinity stress in plants

Sri Renukadevi Balusamy, Shadi Rahimi, Johan Sukweenadhi et al
Carbohydrate Polymers. Vol. 284
Review article

Editorial: Efficient Treatment of Industrial Wastewater With Microbiome and Synthetic Biology

Shan Jiang, Jinfeng Tang, Shadi Rahimi et al
Frontiers in Environmental Science. Vol. 10
Other text in scientific journal

A Road Map toward Field-Effect Transistor Biosensor Technology for Early Stage Cancer Detection

Muthusankar Eswaran, Bavatharani Chokkiah, Santosh Pandit et al
Small Methods. Vol. 6
Review article

Cellular and subcellular interactions of graphene-based materials with cancerous and non-cancerous cells

Shadi Rahimi, Yanyan Chen, Mohsen Zareian et al
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews. Vol. 189
Review article

Interactions Between Graphene-Based Materials and Biological Surfaces: A Review of Underlying Molecular Mechanisms

Yanyan Chen, Santosh Pandit, Shadi Rahimi et al
Advanced Materials Interfaces. Vol. 8 (24)
Review article

Graphene-based sensor for detection of bacterial pathogens

Santosh Pandit, Mengyue Li, Yanyan Chen et al
Sensors. Vol. 21 (23)
Journal article

Sustained release of usnic acid from graphene coatings ensures long term antibiofilm protection

Santosh Pandit, Shadi Rahimi, Abderahmane Derouiche et al
Scientific Reports. Vol. 11 (1)
Journal article

Cold-Resistant Heterotrophic Ammonium and Nitrite-Removing Bacteria Improve Aquaculture Conditions of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Alireza Neissi, Gholamreza Rafiee, Hamid Farahmand et al
Microbial Ecology. Vol. 80 (2), p. 266-277
Journal article

Evolutionary Analysis of the Bacillus subtilis Genome Reveals New Genes Involved in Sporulation

Lei Shi, Abderahmane Derouiche, Santosh Pandit et al
Molecular Biology and Evolution. Vol. 37 (6), p. 1667-1678
Journal article

Technologies for biological removal and recovery of nitrogen from wastewater

Shadi Rahimi, Oskar Modin, Ivan Mijakovic
Biotechnology Advances. Vol. 43
Review article

Co-culturing Bacillus subtilis and wastewater microbial community in a bio-electrochemical system enhances denitrification and butyrate formation

Shadi Rahimi, Oskar Modin, Fariba Roshanzamir et al
Chemical Engineering Journal. Vol. 397
Journal article

Triterpenoid-biosynthetic UDP-glycosyltransferases from plants

Shadi Rahimi, Jaewook Kim, Ivan Mijakovic et al
Biotechnology Advances. Vol. 37 (7)
Review article

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Showing 4 research projects


Targeted chemotherapy drug delivery for cancer treatment

Shadi Rahimi Systems and Synthetic Biology
Kristina Stenborgs Stiftelse


Graphene-based CRISPR-Cas9 gene modification of plant cells

Shadi Rahimi Systems and Synthetic Biology
Novo Nordisk Foundation


Engineering Bacillus subtilis for simultaneous treatment of municipal and industrial waste water

Shadi Rahimi Systems and Synthetic Biology

1 publication exists
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