Shadi Rahimi
Shadi Rahimi works as the researcher in the division of Systems and Synthetic Biology. She focuses her research on bacterial metabolite engineering. The goal is to get benefits of the bacterial metabolism for biotechnological production of biofuel and valuable metabolites.

Showing 30 publications
Learning by teaching efficiently enhances learning outcomes in molecular biology of the cell course
Graphene nanospikes exert bactericidal effect through mechanical damage and oxidative stress
CRISPR-Cas target recognition for sensing viral and cancer biomarkers
Automated Prediction of Bacterial Exclusion Areas on SEM Images of Graphene–Polymer Composites
Synthetic biology tools for environmental protection
Differences in interaction of graphene/graphene oxide with bacterial and mammalian cell membranes
Editorial: Efficient Treatment of Industrial Wastewater With Microbiome and Synthetic Biology
A Road Map toward Field-Effect Transistor Biosensor Technology for Early Stage Cancer Detection
Graphene-based sensor for detection of bacterial pathogens
Sustained release of usnic acid from graphene coatings ensures long term antibiofilm protection
Evolutionary Analysis of the Bacillus subtilis Genome Reveals New Genes Involved in Sporulation
Technologies for biological removal and recovery of nitrogen from wastewater
Triterpenoid-biosynthetic UDP-glycosyltransferases from plants
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Showing 4 research projects
Targeted chemotherapy drug delivery for cancer treatment
Graphene-based CRISPR-Cas9 gene modification of plant cells
Engineering Bacillus subtilis for simultaneous treatment of municipal and industrial waste water