Simon Kristiansson

Showing 20 publications


Noise Interaction Between Power Distribution Grids and Substrate

Daniel Andersson, Simon Kristiansson, Lars Svensson et al
Proceedings of Intl Symp. on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), p. 84-90
Paper in proceeding

Evaluation of Using Active Circuitry for Substrate Noise Suppression

Rashid Farivar, Simon Kristiansson, Fredrik Ingvarson et al
ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI), p. 449-452
Paper in proceeding

A Compact Resistance Model of an Array of Substrate Contacts for Applications in Noise Coupling Analysis

Simon Kristiansson, Fredrik Ingvarson, Kjell Jeppson
Swedish System on Chip Conference
Other conference contribution

Evaluation of Active Cancellation of Substrate-Noise in Mixed-Signal ICs

Zargham Baghchehsaraei, Simon Kristiansson, Fredrik Ingvarson et al
IEEE Norchip Conference. Vol. 2007
Paper in proceeding

Compact Spreading Resistance Model for Rectangular Contacts on Uniform and Epitaxial Substrates

Simon Kristiansson, Fredrik Ingvarson, Kjell Jeppson
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. Vol. 54 (9), p. 2531-2536
Journal article

A High-Frequency Extension of a Surface-Potential-Based Substrate Model for Noise Coupling Analysis

Nebojsa Simic, Fredrik Ingvarson, Simon Kristiansson et al
International Conference on Microelectronics
Journal article

Properties and Modeling of Ground Structures for Reducing Substrate Noise Coupling in ICs

Simon Kristiansson, Fredrik Ingvarson, Kjell Jeppson
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems
Paper in proceeding

Substrate Noise Reduction Using Active Circuitry

Rashid Farivar, Simon Kristiansson, Fredrik Ingvarson et al
Swedish System on Chip Conference
Other conference contribution

Modeling of Rectangular Contacts for Noise Coupling Analysis in Homogeneous Substrates

Simon Kristiansson, Fredrik Ingvarson, Kjell Jeppson
23rd Norchip Conference, Oulu, Finland
Paper in proceeding

A comparison of the exact and an approximate solution for the resistance between two coplanar circular discs

Simon Kristiansson, Shiva P. Kagganti, Fredrik Ingvarson et al
Solid-State Electronics. Vol. 49 (2), p. 275-277
Journal article

Influence of Guard Bands on Substrate Noise Coupling

Simon Kristiansson, Fredrik Ingvarson, Kjell Jeppson
Proceedings of the Swedish System-on-Chip Conference 2005
Other conference contribution

A Surface Potential Model for Predicting Substrate Noise Coupling in Integrated Circuits

Simon Kristiansson, Fredrik Ingvarson, Shiva P. Kagganti et al
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits. Vol. 40 (9), p. 1797-1803
Journal article

A Surface Potential Model for Predicting Substrate Noise Coupling in Integrated Circuits

Simon Kristiansson, Fredrik Ingvarson, Shiva P. Kagganti et al
Proceedings of the IEEE 2004 Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, CICC; Orlando, FL; United States; 3 October 2004 through 6 October 2004, p. 497-500
Paper in proceeding

Resistance Modeling in 1D, 2D, and 3D for Substrate Networks

Shiva P. Kagganti, Simon Kristiansson, Fredrik Ingvarson et al
Physica Scripta. Vol. T114, p. 217-222
Journal article

Substrate Resistance Modeling for Noise Coupling Analysis

Simon Kristiansson, Shiva P. Kagganti, Ewert Tony et al
International Conference on Microelectronics Test Structures, Monterey, California, USA
Paper in proceeding

Substrate Resistance Modelling in One, Two and Three Dimensions

Shiva P. Kagganti, Simon Kristiansson, Fredrik Ingvarson et al
Swedish System-on-Chip Conference, Eskilstuna
Other conference contribution

Resistance Modelling in 1D, 2D, and 3D for Substrate Networks

Shiva P. Kagganti, Simon Kristiansson, Fredrik Ingvarson et al
Nordic Semiconductor Meeting, Tampere, Finland
Paper in proceeding

An Accurate Pi Resistor Network for Substrate Coupling Estimation

Shiva P. Kagganti, Simon Kristiansson, Fredrik Ingvarson et al
21st Norchip Conference, Riga, Latvia
Paper in proceeding

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