Simon Kristiansson
Showing 20 publications
Noise Interaction Between Power Distribution Grids and Substrate
Evaluation of Using Active Circuitry for Substrate Noise Suppression
Evaluation of Active Cancellation of Substrate-Noise in Mixed-Signal ICs
Compact Spreading Resistance Model for Rectangular Contacts on Uniform and Epitaxial Substrates
A High-Frequency Extension of a Surface-Potential-Based Substrate Model for Noise Coupling Analysis
Properties and Modeling of Ground Structures for Reducing Substrate Noise Coupling in ICs
Substrate Noise Reduction Using Active Circuitry
Modeling of Rectangular Contacts for Noise Coupling Analysis in Homogeneous Substrates
Influence of Guard Bands on Substrate Noise Coupling
A Surface Potential Model for Predicting Substrate Noise Coupling in Integrated Circuits
A Surface Potential Model for Predicting Substrate Noise Coupling in Integrated Circuits
Substrate Noise Coupling Modelling in Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits: A Surface Potential Approach
Resistance Modeling in 1D, 2D, and 3D for Substrate Networks
Substrate Resistance Modeling for Noise Coupling Analysis
Substrate Resistance Modelling in One, Two and Three Dimensions
Resistance Modelling in 1D, 2D, and 3D for Substrate Networks
An Accurate Pi Resistor Network for Substrate Coupling Estimation
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