Stefan Stenfelt
Showing 68 publications
Estimation of bone conduction skull transmission by hearing thresholds and ear-canal sound pressure
Transmission of bone conducted sound - Correlation between hearing perception and cochlear vibration
Transmission of bone conducted sound -correlation between hearing perception and cochlear vibration.
Implications for contralateral bone-conducted transmission as measured by cochlear vibrations.
Optimal position of a new bone conduction implant.
Correlation between the cochlear promontory and hearing perception- a pilot study.
A novel bone conduction implant (BCI): engineering aspects and pre-clinical studies.
Hearing one's own voice during phoneme vocalization-Transmission by air and bone conduction
Transmission of bone-conducted sound in the human skull measured by cochlear vibrations.
A model of the occlusion effect with bone-conducted stimulation
Middle ear ossicles motion at hearing thresholds with air conduction and bone conduction stimulation
Transmission properties of bone conducted sound: Measurements in cadaver heads
Bone-conducted sound: Physiological and clinical aspects
Bilateral fitting of BAHAs and BAHA® fitted in unilateral deaf persons: Acoustical aspects
Time delay of acoustic transmission in human middle ear
Fluid volume displacement at the oval and round windows with air and bone conduction stimulation
Round window membrane motion with air conduction and bone conduction stimulation
Bilateral bone-anchored hearing aids (BAHAs): an audiometric evaluation
Bone conduction and bone anchored hearing devices
Binaural hörsel och riktningshörsel vid bilateral applicering av BAHA
Physiological aspects regarding bilateral fitting of BAHAs
Three-dimensional stapes footplate motion in human temporal bones
Is it possible to implant or semi-implant a bone anchored hearing aid (BAHA)
Bone conduction and bone anchored hearing devices
Time Delay of Acoustic Transmission in Human Middle Ear
Unilateral Versus Bilateral Bone-anchored Hearing Aids (BAHAs)
Transmission properties of bone conducted sound in humans
An implantable bone conduction hearing aid
An Evaluation of Bilateral Bone-anchored Hearing Aids
Factors contributing to bone conduction: The middle ear
Air versus bone conduction: An equal loudness investigation
Physiological aspects of bone conduction audiometry
Factors contributing to bone conduction: The outer ear
Bone Conduction Implant (BCI): A Feasibility Study for an Implanted BCI
The BEST – A new audiometric transducer
Acoustic role of the buttress and posterior incudal ligament in human temporal bones
Middle ear ossicle motion in human temporal bones with bone conduction stimulation
Stapes footplate 3D motion in human temporal bones using a laser Doppler vibrometer measuring system
Review and recent advances in bone conduction physiology
A bone-anchored hearing aid for patients with pure sensorineural hearing impairment: a pilot study.
A bone-anchored hearing aid for patients with pure sensorineural hearing impairment – a pilot study
An implantable bone conduction hearing aid
Vibration characteristics of bone conducted sound in vitro
Vibration Characteristics of Bone Conducted Sound In Vitro
Characteristics of Bone Conducted Sound
Characteristics of Bone Conducted Sound
Cochlear Response to Bone Conducted Sound
Vibration Characteristics of Bone-Conduction Sound
Sensitivity to Bone-Conducted Sound: Excitation of the Mastoid vs the Teeth
Characteristics of Bone Conducted Sound
A Miniaturized Artificial Mastoid using a Skull Simulator
A Bone-Anchored Hearing Aid for Patients with Pure Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Transcranial Attenuation Measured by a Laser Doppler Vibrometer
Air versus Bone Conduction: An Equal Loudness Investigation
Air versus Bone Conduction: An Equal Loudness Investigation
Sensitivity to Bone Conducted Sound: Teeth versus Mastoid
Air versus Bone Conduction: An Equal Loudness Investigation
Biomechanical investigations with emphasis on bone conducted sound
Linearity of Sound Transmission through the Human Skull in Vivo
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