Tharun Roshan Kumar

Doctoral Student at Energy Technology

Tharun Roshan Kumar is a PhD student at the division of Energy Technology. His research focuses on thermochemical recycling of plastics and investigating decarbonization pathways of petrochemical industries. The primary objective is to evaluate plastics recycling plants that would be independent of fossil fuel feedstocks, with the potential of zero or net-negative CO2 emissions.

Image of Tharun Roshan Kumar

Showing 7 publications


Enhancing early-stage techno-economic comparative assessment with site-specific factors for decarbonization pathways in carbon-intensive process industry

Tharun Roshan Kumar, Johanna Beiron, V. R.Reddy Marthala et al
Carbon Capture Science and Technology. Vol. 14
Journal article

Plant and system-level performance of combined heat and power plants equipped with different carbon capture technologies

Tharun Roshan Kumar, Johanna Beiron, Max Biermann et al
Applied Energy. Vol. 338
Journal article

Production of aviation fuel with negative emissions via chemical looping gasification of biogenic residues: Full chain process modelling and techno-economic analysis

Muhammad Nauman Saeed, Mohammad Shahrivar, Gajanan Dattarao Surywanshi et al
Fuel Processing Technology. Vol. 241
Journal article

Process Analysis of Chemical Looping Gasification of Biomass for Fischer-Tropsch Crude Production with Net-Negative CO<inf>2</inf>Emissions: Part 1

Tharun Roshan Kumar, Tobias Mattisson, Magnus Rydén et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 36 (17), p. 9687-9705
Journal article

Techno-Economic Assessment of Chemical Looping Gasification of Biomass for Fischer-Tropsch Crude Production with Net-Negative CO2 Emissions: Part 2

Tharun Roshan Kumar, Tobias Mattisson, Magnus Rydén
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 36 (17), p. 9706-9718
Journal article

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Showing 2 research projects


Förstudie om möjlig pilotanläggning för högtemperaturelektrolys (SOEC) i Stenungsund

Simon Harvey Energy Technology
Tharun Roshan Kumar Energy Technology 3
Lindholmen science park AB


Transformative change towards net negative emissions in Swedish refinery and petrochemical industries

Simon Harvey Energy Technology
Henrik Thunman Energy Technology
Tharun Roshan Kumar Energy Technology 3
Maria de Oliveira Laurin Transport, Energy and Environment
Selma Brynolf Transport, Energy and Environment
Maria Grahn Transport, Energy and Environment
Judit Fortet Casabella Energy Technology 3
Johanna Beiron Energy Technology 2
Swedish Energy Agency

8 publications exist
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