Ievgeniia Tiukova
Ievgeniia has worked on different aspects of microbial biotechnology since 2009 with focus on the production of fuels, food and feed using yeasts. Her previous research has involved several species of yeasts including Komagataella pastoris (syn. Pichia pastoris), the biocontrol yeast Wickerhamomyces anomalus, the ethanol-producing yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Dekkera bruxellensis as well as the oleaginous basidiomycete yeasts Rhodotorula glutinis and Rhodotorula toruloides.
Much of herresearch during the last couple of years involved using omics tools to identify the genetic basis of biotechnology relevant traits in non-conventional yeasts. Her current research focuses on the development of yeast-mediated bioconversion processes as part of a transition towards sustainable biotechnologies to ensure global welfare.
Yeasts are versatile biocatalysts that can find many applications in a future biobased economy to supply the global population with goods in an environmentally sustainable way.
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Showing 13 publications
AutonoMS: Automated Ion Mobility Metabolomic Fingerprinting
Interpreting protein abundance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae through relational learning
High-throughput metabolomics for the design and validation of a diauxic shift model
RIMBO - An Ontology for Model Revision Databases
A Genetic Trap in Yeast for Inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease
Assembly and analysis of the genome sequence of the yeast Brettanomyces naardenensis CBS 7540
Proteome analysis of xylose metabolism in Rhodotorula toruloides during lipid production
Genome-scale model of Rhodotorula toruloides metabolism
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Showing 1 research projects
Design of yeast strains with increased sugar affinity for improved industrial performance