Tobias Gebäck

Senior Researcher at Applied Mathematics and Statistics

Tobias Gebäck is Associate Professor in applied Mathematics, affiliated to the SuMo Biomaterials research center. He is conducting research on mathematical modeling and numerical methods, with applications focusing on mass transport in soft, porous materials. The goal is to design new materials for controlling the release of medical substances in the body and new materials for diapers and other absorbing products, to name a few possibilities. Tobias Gebäck also conducts research in mathematical modeling of charged particle transport, relevant for radiation treatment of cancer tumours.

Image of Tobias Gebäck

Showing 32 publications


Modeling Colloidal Particle Aggregation Using Cluster Aggregation with Multiple Particle Interactions

Jakob Antonsson, Charlotte Hamngren Blomqvist, Eva Olsson et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry B. Vol. 128 (18), p. 4513-4524
Journal article

Stochastic modelling of 3D fiber structures imaged with X-ray microtomography

Philip Townsend, Emanuel Larsson, Tomas Karlson et al
Computational Materials Science. Vol. 194
Journal article

Tessellation-based stochastic modelling of 3D coating structures imaged with FIB-SEM tomography

Philip Townsend, Torben Nilsson Pingel, Niklas Lorén et al
Computational Materials Science. Vol. 197
Journal article

Correlating 3D porous structure in polymer films with mass transport properties using FIB-SEM tomography

Cecilia Fager, Tobias Gebäck, Johan Hjärtstam et al
Chemical Engineering Science: X. Vol. 12
Journal article

Local quantification of mesoporous silica microspheres using multiscale electron tomography and lattice Boltzmann simulations

Andreas J. Fijneman, Maurits Goudzwaard, Arthur D.A. Keizer et al
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. Vol. 302
Journal article

A multi-scale model for diffusion of large molecules in steam-exploded wood

Patric Kvist, Tobias Gebäck, Anders Rasmuson
Wood Science and Technology. Vol. 54 (4), p. 821-835
Journal article

A Pore Scale Model for Osmotic Flow: Homogenization and Lattice Boltzmann Simulations

Tobias Gebäck, Alexei Heintz
Transport in Porous Media. Vol. 126 (1), p. 161-176
Journal article

A Highly Accurate Pixel-Based FRAP Model Based on Spectral-Domain Numerical Methods

Magnus Roding, Leander Lacroix, Annika Krona et al
Biophysical Journal. Vol. 116 (7), p. 1348-1361
Journal article

Lattice Boltzmann simulations of diffusion in steam-exploded wood

Patric Kvist, Tobias Gebäck, Muhammad Muzamal et al
Wood Science and Technology. Vol. 53 (4), p. 855-871
Journal article

An overview of the transport of liquid molecules through structured polymer films, barriers and composites – Experiments correlated to structure-based simulations

Sofie Gårdebjer, Mikael Larsson, Tobias Gebäck et al
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science. Vol. 256, p. 48-64
Review article

Dynamics of capillary transport in semi-solid channels

Johanna Andersson, Anna Ström, Tobias Gebäck et al
Soft Matter. Vol. 13 (14), p. 2562-2570
Journal article

Interconnectivity imaged in three dimensions: Nano-particulate silica-hydrogel structure revealed using electron tomography

Charlotte Hamngren Blomqvist, Tobias Gebäck, A. Altskär et al
Micron. Vol. 100, p. 91-105
Journal article

Lattice Boltzmann simulations of diffusion through native and steam-exploded softwood bordered pits

Patric Kvist, Adam Therning, Tobias Gebäck et al
Wood Science and Technology. Vol. 51 (6), p. 1261-1276
Journal article

Computational high-throughput screening of fluid permeability in heterogeneous fiber materials

Magnus Röding, Erich Schuster, Katarina Logg et al
Soft Matter. Vol. 12 (29), p. 6293-6299
Journal article

The impact of interfaces in laminated packaging on transport of carboxylic acids

Sofie Gårdebjer, Tobias Gebäck, Thorbjörn Andersson et al
Journal of Membrane Science. Vol. 518, p. 305-312
Journal article

Interplay between flow and diffusion in capillary alginate hydrogels

Erich Schuster, Kristin Sott, Anna Ström et al
Soft Matter. Vol. 12 (17), p. 3897-3907
Journal article

Monitoring Dynamic Moisture Gradients in Wood using Inserted Relative Humidity and Temperature Sensors

Charlotta Bylund Melin, Tobias Gebäck, Alexey Geynts et al
e-Preservation Science. Vol. 13, p. 7-14
Journal article

Investigation of the Effect of the Tortuous Pore Structure on Water Diffusion through a Polymer Film Using Lattice Boltzmann Simulations

Tobias Gebäck, M. Marucci, Catherine Boissier et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry B. Vol. 119 (16), p. 5220-5227
Journal article

Pore size effects on convective flow and diffusion through nanoporous silica gels

Charlotte Hamngren Blomqvist, Christoffer Abrahamsson, Tobias Gebäck et al
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. Vol. 484, p. 288-296
Journal article

A Lattice Boltzmann Method for the Advection-Diffusion Equation with Neumann Boundary Conditions

Tobias Gebäck, Alexey Geynts
Communications in Computational Physics. Vol. 15 (2), p. 487-505
Journal article

Fluid volume kinetics of dilutional hyponatremia; a shock syndrome revisited

R.G. Hahn, Tobias Gebäck
Clinics. Vol. 69 (2), p. 120-127
Journal article

Probe diffusion in phase-separated bicontinuous biopolymer gels

Sophia Wassén, Romain Bordes, Tobias Gebäck et al
Soft Matter. Vol. 10 (41), p. 8276-8287
Journal article

MicroPIV methodology using model systems for flow studies in heterogeneous biopolymer gel microstructures

Kristin Sott, Tobias Gebäck, Maria Pihl et al
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. Vol. 398 (15 May 2013), p. 262-269
Journal article

Interactions between the volume effects of hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 and Ringer´s acetate

R.G. Hahn, Christian Bergek, Tobias Gebäck et al
Critical Care. Vol. 17 (3), p. Art. no. R104-
Journal article

Spherical Harmonics and a Semidiscrete Finite Element Approximation for the Transport Equation

Mohammad Asadzadeh, Tobias Gebäck
Transport Theory and Statistical Physics. Vol. 41 (1-2), p. 53-70
Journal article

Analytical Solutions for the Pencil-Beam Equation with Energy Loss and Straggling

Tobias Gebäck, Mohammad Asadzadeh
Transport Theory and Statistical Physics. Vol. 41 (5-6), p. 325-336
Journal article


M. Bezabih, Tobias Gebäck
Natural Resource Modelling. Vol. 23 (2), p. 253-284
Journal article

On Some Problems in Systems Biology and Geometric Flows

Tobias Gebäck
Licentiate thesis

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Showing 4 research projects


Mekaniska modellering av nanopartikel-formuleringar

Tobias Gebäck Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)


CoSiMa - concept for digitized development of the sustainable soft materials of the future

Tobias Gebäck Applied Mathematics and Statistics

1 publication exists

CoSiMa - concept for industrial development for the sustainable soft materials of the future

Tobias Gebäck Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Lars Nordstierna Lars Evenäs Group
Magnus Röding Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Eva Olsson Eva Olsson Group
Aila Särkkä Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Niklas Lorén Eva Olsson Group


CoSiMa - Concept for industrial development of the bio-based soft materials of the future

Tobias Gebäck Applied Mathematics and Statistics

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