Tobias Gebäck
Tobias Gebäck is Associate Professor in applied Mathematics, affiliated to the SuMo Biomaterials research center. He is conducting research on mathematical modeling and numerical methods, with applications focusing on mass transport in soft, porous materials. The goal is to design new materials for controlling the release of medical substances in the body and new materials for diapers and other absorbing products, to name a few possibilities. Tobias Gebäck also conducts research in mathematical modeling of charged particle transport, relevant for radiation treatment of cancer tumours.

Showing 32 publications
Stochastic modelling of 3D fiber structures imaged with X-ray microtomography
Tessellation-based stochastic modelling of 3D coating structures imaged with FIB-SEM tomography
A multi-scale model for diffusion of large molecules in steam-exploded wood
A Pore Scale Model for Osmotic Flow: Homogenization and Lattice Boltzmann Simulations
A Highly Accurate Pixel-Based FRAP Model Based on Spectral-Domain Numerical Methods
Lattice Boltzmann simulations of diffusion in steam-exploded wood
Dynamics of capillary transport in semi-solid channels
Lattice Boltzmann simulations of diffusion through native and steam-exploded softwood bordered pits
Computational high-throughput screening of fluid permeability in heterogeneous fiber materials
The impact of interfaces in laminated packaging on transport of carboxylic acids
Interplay between flow and diffusion in capillary alginate hydrogels
Pore size effects on convective flow and diffusion through nanoporous silica gels
A Lattice Boltzmann Method for the Advection-Diffusion Equation with Neumann Boundary Conditions
Fluid volume kinetics of dilutional hyponatremia; a shock syndrome revisited
Probe diffusion in phase-separated bicontinuous biopolymer gels
Interactions between the volume effects of hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 and Ringer´s acetate
Spherical Harmonics and a Semidiscrete Finite Element Approximation for the Transport Equation
Analytical Solutions for the Pencil-Beam Equation with Energy Loss and Straggling
Analytical solutions for the pencil-beam equation with energy loss and straggling
On spherical harmonics and a semidiscrete finite element approximation for the transport equation
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Showing 4 research projects
Mekaniska modellering av nanopartikel-formuleringar
CoSiMa - concept for digitized development of the sustainable soft materials of the future
CoSiMa - concept for industrial development for the sustainable soft materials of the future
CoSiMa - Concept for industrial development of the bio-based soft materials of the future