Mads Vendelbo Lind

Showing 18 publications


Reply to RB Yarandi

Mads Vendelbo Lind, Lotte Lauritzen, M. Kristensen et al
The American journal of clinical nutrition. Vol. 109 (4), p. 1233-1234
Other text in scientific journal

Effect of folate supplementation on insulin sensitivity and type 2 diabetes: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Mads Vendelbo Lind, Lotte Lauritzen, M. Kristensen et al
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Vol. 109 (1), p. 29-42
Journal article

One-carbon metabolism markers are associated with cardiometabolic risk factors

Mads Vendelbo Lind, L. Lauritzen, H. Vestergaard et al
Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases. Vol. 28 (4), p. 402-410
Journal article

A low-gluten diet induces changes in the intestinal microbiome of healthy Danish adults

Lea B.S. Hansen, Henrik M. Roager, Nadja B. Søndertoft et al
Nature Communications. Vol. 9 (1)
Journal article

Intake and sources of gluten in 20- to 75-year-old Danish adults: a national dietary survey

Camilla Hoppe, R. J. Gabel, M. Kristensen et al
European Journal of Nutrition. Vol. 56 (1), p. 107-117
Journal article

Whole-Grain Intake, Reflected by Dietary Records and Biomarkers, Is Inversely Associated with Circulating Insulin and Other Cardiometabolic Markers in 8- to 11-Year-Old Children.

Camilla T Damsgaard, Anja Biltoft-Jensen, Inge Tetens et al
Journal of Nutrition. Vol. 147 (5), p. 816-824
Journal article

Biomarkers for predicting type 2 diabetes development-Can metabolomics improve on existing biomarkers?

Otto Savolainen, Björn Fagerberg, Mads Vendelbo Lind et al
PLoS ONE. Vol. 12 (7), p. e0177738-
Journal article

Quantification of benzoxazinoids and their metabolites in Nordic breads

Katharina Dihm, Mads Vendelbo Lind, Henrik Sundén et al
Food Chemistry. Vol. 235, p. 7-13
Journal article

Biomarkers of food intake and nutrient status are associated with glucose tolerance status and development of Type 2 diabetes

Otto Savolainen, Mads Vendelbo Lind, Göran Bergström et al
The FASEB Journal. Vol. 31 (S1), p. 655.4-
Other conference contribution

Higher intake of fish and fat is associated with lower plasma s-adenosylhomocysteine: a cross-sectional study

Mads Vendelbo Lind, Lotte Lauritzen, Oluf Pedersen et al
Nutrition Research. Vol. 46, p. 78-87
Journal article

Biomarkers of food intake and nutrient status are associated with glucose tolerance status and development of type 2 diabetes in older Swedish women

Otto Savolainen, Mads Vendelbo Lind, Göran Bergström et al
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Vol. 106 (5), p. 1302-1310
Journal article

Herring and chicken/pork meals lead to differences in plasma levels of TCA intermediates and arginine metabolites in overweight and obese men and women.

ANDREW VINCENT, Otto Savolainen, Partho Sen et al
Molecular Nutrition and Food Research. Vol. 61 (3), p. Art no UNSP 1600400-
Journal article

The use of mass spectrometry for analysing metabolite biomarkers in epidemiology: methodological and statistical considerations for application to large numbers of biological samples

Mads Vendelbo Lind, Otto Savolainen, Alastair Ross
European Journal of Epidemiology. Vol. 31 (8), p. 717-733
Review article

A high-throughput method for liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry determination of plasma alkylresorcinols, biomarkers of whole grain wheat and rye intake.

Alastair Ross, Cecilia Svelander, Otto Savolainen et al
Analytical Biochemistry. Vol. 499, p. 1-7
Journal article

Plasma Alkylresorcinols Reflect Gluten Intake and Distinguish between Gluten-Rich and Gluten-Poor Diets in a Population at Risk of Metabolic Syndrome

Mads Vendelbo Lind, M. L. Madsen, J. J. Rumessen et al
Journal of Nutrition. Vol. 146 (10), p. 1991-1998
Journal article

Dietary determinants of one carbon metabolism and methylation capacity

Mads Vendelbo Lind, M. Kristensen, L. Lauritzen et al
Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. Vol. 67, p. 123-124
Other conference contribution

The role of one carbon metabolism and methylation capacity in metabolic syndrome

Mads Vendelbo Lind, L. Lauritzen, Alastair Ross et al
Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. Vol. 67, p. 268-
Magazine article

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