Patric Wallin

Showing 23 publications


Social regulation of learning in interdisciplinary groupwork

Michael O'Connell, Christian Stöhr, Patric Wallin et al
European Journal of Engineering Education. Vol. 49 (4), p. 683-699
Journal article

Using Narratives to Document Social Regulation of Learning in Interdisciplinary Groupwork

Michael O Connell, Patric Wallin, Raffaella Negretti et al

Tracking social regulation of learning in interdisciplinary group work

Michael O Connell, Patric Wallin, Raffaella Negretti et al
Transforming Engineering Education, p. 34-38
Paper in proceeding

The reflective diary as a method for the formative assessment of self-regulated learning

Patric Wallin, Tom Adawi
European Journal of Engineering Education. Vol. 43 (4), p. 507-521
Journal article

Entry points when undergraduate research mentors reflect on their role: a qualitative case study

Patric Wallin, Tom Adawi
International Journal for Academic Development. Vol. 23 (1), p. 41-51
Journal article

Linking teaching and research in an undergraduate course and exploring student learning experiences

Patric Wallin, Tom Adawi, Julie Gold
European Journal of Engineering Education. Vol. 42 (1), p. 58-74
Journal article

Correlating network structure with functional properties of capillary alginate gels for muscle fiber formation

E. Schuster, Patric Wallin, Felix Klose et al
Food Hydrocolloids. Vol. 72, p. 210-218
Journal article

Reflective Diaries – A Tool for Promoting and Probing Student Learning

Patric Wallin, Tom Adawi, Julie Gold
Proceedings of the 12th International CDIO Conference
Paper in proceeding

Using QCM-D to study the adhesion of human gingival fibroblasts on implant surfaces

Emma Westas, Lory Melin Svanborg, Patric Wallin et al
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A. Vol. 103 (10), p. 3139-3147
Journal article

From values and beliefs to teaching practice – a case study of novice tutors

Patric Wallin, Julie Gold, Tom Adawi
NU2014 Conference Proceedings, p. 155-
Other conference contribution

Tasting genuine research in a course on tissue engineering

Patric Wallin, Julie Gold, Tom Adawi
41st SEFI Conference 2013, Leuven, Belgium, 16-20 September 2013
Paper in proceeding

Critical Thinking and Creativity in Higher Education

Patric Wallin
NNEER conference proceedings 2013
Other conference contribution

Microfluidic gradient systems to generate defined cell microenvironments and study cellular fate processes

Patric Wallin, Elin Bernson, Julie Gold
Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Vol. 6, p. 350-350
Magazine article

A method to integrate patterned electrospun fibers with microfluidic systems to generate complex microenvironments for cell culture applications

Patric Wallin, Carl Zandén, Björn Carlberg et al
Biomicrofluidics. Vol. 6 (2)
Journal article

Skeletal myoblast differentiation on starch microspheres for the development of cultured meat

Patric Wallin, Kim Höglund, K. Wildt-Persson et al
Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Vol. 6 (Suppl.1), p. 378 (abstract 62.02)-
Other conference contribution

Patterned electrospun microfibers integrated in a microfluidic system to study cells in complex microenvironments

Patric Wallin, Carl Zandén, Björn Carlberg et al
eCM Journal. Vol. 23 (Supplement 5), p. 65-
Conference poster

Creating cell microenvironments in vitro

Patric Wallin
Licentiate thesis

Simulation of Chemotractant Gradients in Microfluidic Channels to Study Cell Migration Mechanism in silico

Patric Wallin, Elin Bernson, Julie Gold
Comsol User meeting 2012 Milan
Paper in proceeding

Microfluidic Gradient Systems to Generate Defined Cell Microenvironments and Study Cellular Fate Processes

Patric Wallin, Elin Bernson, Julie Gold
AVS 59th International Symposium & Exhibition, Tampa Florida, Oct 28-Nov 2 2012, p. 32-
Other conference contribution

Continuous Lipid Bilayers Derived from Cell Membranes for Spatial Molecular Manipulation

Lisa Simonsson, Anders Gunnarsson, Patric Wallin et al
Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 133 (35), p. 14027-14032
Journal article

Kinetics of Ligand Binding to Membrane Receptors from Equilibrium Fluctuation Analysis of Single Binding Events

Anders Gunnarsson, L. Dexlin, Patric Wallin et al
Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 133 (38), p. 14852-14855
Journal article

Preparation of peptide-functionalized Au nanodot and lipid bilayer surfaces for studying cell focal adhesion formation

Patric Wallin, B. Geiger, J. Spatz et al
European Cells and Materials. Vol. 21 (SUPPL.1), p. 45-
Paper in proceeding

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