Anna Wikström

Project Leader at TME verksamhetsstöd

Anna Wikström is acting director and project manager at Swedish Life Cycle Center, Department of Technology Management and Economics.

Image of Anna Wikström

Showing 3 publications


Making an impact through joint efforts - values, outcomes and lessons learned from 25 years of collaboration

Sara Palander, Anna Wikström, Maria Rydberg
E3S Web of Conferences. Vol. 349
Paper in proceeding

RED, PEF, and EPD: Conflicting rules for determining the carbon footprint of biofuels give unclear signals to fuel producers and customers

M. Brandao, Tomas Ekvall, Sofia Poulikidou et al
Frontiers in Climate. Vol. 4
Journal article

Impacts on fuel producers and customers of conflicting rules for life cycle assessment

Sofia Poulikidou, Kristin Johansson, Henric Lassesson et al
Report - f3 The Swedish Knowledge Centre for Renewable Transportation Fuels

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Showing 7 research projects


TwinWins: Measuring business model environmental performance

Henrikke Baumann Environmental Systems Analysis
Ana Carolina Bertassini Environmental Systems Analysis
Anna Wikström Project and Centre Management
Kamprad Family Foundation

5 publications exist

Environmental footprint in Swedish industry - increased understanding and implementation

Sara Palander Project and Centre Management
Anna Wikström Project and Centre Management
Maria Rydberg Project and Centre Management


Impacts on producers and customers of conflicting rules for LCA

Tomas Ekvall Environmental Systems Analysis
Anna Wikström Project and Centre Management
f3 – Swedish Knowledge Centre for Renewable Fuels
Swedish Energy Agency

1 publication exists

Nature Capital and Value Creation

Sara Palander Project and Centre Management
Anna Wikström Project and Centre Management
Bengt Steen Environmental Systems Analysis
Swedish Energy Agency

1 publication exists

Swedish platform for life cycle perspectives

Anna Wikström Gothenburg Centre for Sustainable Development
Swedish Energy Agency


Adapted decision support for increased energy efficiency in value chains

Anna Wikström Centre for Environment and Sustainability (GMV)
Swedish Energy Agency


Beslutsstödsmetod för innovativ och hållbar affärsutveckling

Anna Wikström Centre for Environment and Sustainability (GMV)

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