Xuezhi Zeng
Xuezhi Zeng is an associate professor and researcher in the Biomedical Electromagnetics research group. Her main research interest is using radar sensor technology for various biomedical applications through the measurement and monitoring breathing/heartbeat, gait, and behaviors. The application area mainly includes rehabilitation, the prediction and prevention of diseases and fall accidents in the elderly. Xuezhi is the head of the master's program in biomedical engineering and she is the associate editor of the IEEE Journal in Electromagnetics, RF and Microwave in Medicine and Biology.

Showing 35 publications
Asymmetry Detection in a Noisy Microwave-Based Biomedical Diagnosis
Reducing Waves on the Body Surface in Near-Field Medical Diagnostics by a Dielectric Rod Antenna
Towards in-Home Quantitative Gait Assessment Using Millimeter-wave Radar
Measurement quality of a software defined radio system for medical diagnostics
Investigation of an ultra wideband noise sensor for health monitoring
Performance Evaluation of a Time Domain Microwave System for Medical Diagnostics
Phase calibration of a software defined radio system for medical applications
Investigation of a Time Domain Microwave System for Biomedical Applications
A computational study using time reversal focusing for hyperthermia treatment planning
Time domain microwave imaging system for biomedical applications
Investigation of stimulus signals for a time domain microwave imaging system
Microwave technology in medical diagnostics and treatment
Microwave System Development for Medical Diagnostics
Development of a Time Domain Microwave System for Medical Diagnostics
Design and Performance Evaluation of a Time Domain Microwave Imaging System
Microwave based diagnostics and treatment in practice
Time Domain Systems for Microwave Imaging: Accuracy Evaluations and Prototype Design
An ultrawideband microwave medical diagnostic system: Design considerations and system performance
Accuracy investigation of an ultra-wideband time domain microwave imaging system
Accuracy Evaluation of Ultrawideband Time Domain Systems for Microwave Imaging
Effects of noise on tomographic breast imaging
Microwave imaging for medical applications
Progress in clinical diagnostics and treatment with electromagnetic fields
Influence of noise on breast tumor detection using microwave tomography
Ultra-Wideband Time Domain Measurement Systems for Microwave Tomography
Comparison between a time domain and a frequency domain system for microwave tomography
Clinical Diagnostics and Treatment with Electromagnetic Fields
Accuracy evaluation of time domain measurement systems for microwave tomography
Investigations on the system measurement uncertainty for microwave tomography
Broadband microwave based diagnostics and treatment
Time domain system for microwave tomography
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Showing 1 research projects
Empowering person-centred rehabilitation with biomedical radar