Associations of maternal and infant metabolomes with immune maturation and allergy development at 12 months in the Swedish NICE-cohort
Journal article, 2021
Olle Hartvigsson
Chalmers, Biology and Biological Engineering, Food and Nutrition Science
Malin Barman
Chalmers, Biology and Biological Engineering, Food and Nutrition Science
Karolinska Institutet
Hardis Rabe
University of Gothenburg
Anna Sandin
Umeå University
Agnes E Wold
University of Gothenburg
Carl Brunius
Chalmers, Biology and Biological Engineering, Food and Nutrition Science
Ann-Sofie Sandberg
Chalmers, Biology and Biological Engineering, Food and Nutrition Science
Scientific Reports
2045-2322 (ISSN) 20452322 (eISSN)
Vol. 11 1 12706New strategies for allergy prevention based on the metabolic fingerprint in the blood
Stiftelsen Sigurd och Elsa Goljes Minne (LA2018-0036), 2019-01-10 -- 2019-12-31.
Ett systemtoxikologibaserat angreppssätt för bedömning av kombinationseffekter av toxiska metaller tidigt i livet
Formas (2018-02275), 2018-12-01 -- 2022-11-30.
Early life nutrition and immune development with focus on allergy prevention
Swedish Research Council (VR) (2013-3154), 2014-01-01 -- 2018-12-31.
Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)
Respiratory Medicine and Allergy