Lilia Ahrné
Visar 27 publikationer
Effect of cellulose-rich fibres on faba bean protein gels is determined by the gel microstructure
Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Berry Seeds: Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Activity
Coalescence and agglomeration of individual particles of skim milk during convective drying
Estimation of the effective diffusion coefficient of water in skim milk during single-drop drying
Exploring drying kinetics and morphology of commercial dairy powders
Consumers’ acceptance of composite cassava-maize-wheat breads using baking improvers
Effect of Hydrocolloids and Emulsifiers on Baking Quality of Composite Cassava-Maize-Wheat Breads
Water in Soft Materials - ISOPOW XII conference (2013)
Impact of pre-crystallization process on structure and product properties in dark chocolate
Effect of Cassava Flour Characteristics on Properties of Cassava-Wheat-Maize Composite Bread Types
Combined convective and microwave assisted drying: Experiments and modelling
Chocolate Swelling during Storage Caused by Fat or Moisture Migration
Processing of tomato: Impact on in vitro bioaccessibility of lycopene and textural properties
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