Lilia Ahrné

Showing 27 publications


Effect of cellulose-rich fibres on faba bean protein gels is determined by the gel microstructure

Mathias Johansson, Jakob Karlsson, Frans W.J. van den Berg et al
Food Hydrocolloids. Vol. 156
Journal article

Supercritical extraction of bilberry (Vaccinum myrtillus L.) seed oil: Fatty acid composition and antioxidant actvitiy

Graziele Gustinelli, Lovisa Eliasson, Cecilia Svelander et al
Journal of Supercritical Fluids. Vol. 135, p. 91-97
Journal article

Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Berry Seeds: Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Activity

Graziele Gustinelli Carvalho, Lovisa Eliasson, Cecilia Svelander et al
Journal of Food Quality. Vol. 2018, p. 1-10
Journal article

Enhancing the retention of β-carotene and vitamin C in dried mango using alternative blanching processes.

Isabel Guiamba, Lilia Ahrné, Ulf Svanberg
African Journal of Food Science. Vol. 12 (7), p. 165-174
Journal article

Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction and conventional extraction of chia seed oils: chemical composition and lipid oxidation

Renata Adriana Labanca, Cecilia Svelander, Eliasson Lovisa et al
International Journal of Research. Vol. 04 (10), p. 563-572
Journal article

Retention of beta-carotene and vitamin C in dried mango osmotically pretreated with osmotic solutions containing calcium or ascorbic acid

Isabel Guiamba, Lilia Ahrné, M.A.M. Khan et al
Food and Bioproducts Processing: Transactions of the Institution of of Chemical Engineers, Part C. Vol. 98, p. 320-326
Journal article

Effect of hydrocolloids and emulsifiers on the shelf-life of composite cassava-maize-wheat bread after storage

Maria Eduardo, Ulf Svanberg, Lilia Ahrné
Food Science and Nutrition. Vol. 4 (4), p. 636-644
Journal article

Coalescence and agglomeration of individual particles of skim milk during convective drying

Loredana Malafronte, Lilia Ahrné, V. Robertiello et al
Journal of Food Engineering. Vol. 175, p. 15-23
Journal article

Effect of Infrared Blanching on Enzyme Activity and Retention of -Carotene and Vitamin C in Dried Mango

Isabel Guiamba, Ulf Svanberg, Lilia Ahrné
Journal of Food Science. Vol. 80 (6), p. E1235-E1242
Journal article

Estimation of the effective diffusion coefficient of water in skim milk during single-drop drying

Loredana Malafronte, Lilia Ahrné, E. Kaunisto et al
Journal of Food Engineering. Vol. 147 (C), p. 111-119
Journal article

Exploring drying kinetics and morphology of commercial dairy powders

Loredana Malafronte, Lilia Ahrné, E. Schuster et al
Journal of Food Engineering. Vol. 158, p. 58-65
Journal article

Prediction of regions of coalescence and agglomeration along a spray dryer-Application to skim milk powder

Loredana Malafronte, Lilia Ahrné, F. Innings et al
Chemical Engineering Research and Design. Vol. 104, p. 703-712
Journal article

Water in Soft Materials - ISOPOW XII conference (2013)

Niklas Lorén, Anette Larsson, Lilia Ahrné et al
Applied Rheology. Vol. 24 (1), p. 44-46
Other conference contribution

Consumers’ acceptance of composite cassava-maize-wheat breads using baking improvers

Maria Eduardo, Ulf Svanberg, Lilia Ahrné
African Journal of Food Science. Vol. 8 (7), p. 390-401
Journal article

Effect of Hydrocolloids and Emulsifiers on Baking Quality of Composite Cassava-Maize-Wheat Breads

Maria Eduardo, Ulf Svanberg, Lilia Ahrné
International Journal of Food Science. Vol. 2014
Journal article

Mathematical modeling of the viscosity of tomato, broccoli and carrot purees under dynamic conditions

Evelina Tibäck, Maud Langton, J. Oliveira et al
Journal of Food Engineering. Vol. 124, p. 35-42
Journal article

Effect of Cassava Flour Characteristics on Properties of Cassava-Wheat-Maize Composite Bread Types

Maria Eduardo, Ulf Svanberg, J. Oliveira et al
International Journal of Food Science. Vol. 2013
Journal article

Impact of pre-crystallization process on structure and product properties in dark chocolate

L. Svanberg, Lilia Ahrné, Niklas Lorén et al
Journal of Food Engineering. Vol. 114 (1), p. 90-98
Journal article

Combined convective and microwave assisted drying: Experiments and modelling

Loredana Malafronte, G. Lamberti, A.A. Barba et al
Journal of Food Engineering. Vol. 112 (4), p. 304-312
Journal article

Chocolate Swelling during Storage Caused by Fat or Moisture Migration

L. Svanberg, Niklas Lorén, Lilia Ahrné
Journal of Food Science. Vol. 77 (11)
Journal article

A method to assess changes in mechanical properties of chocolate confectionery systems subjected to moisture and fat migration during storage

L. Svanberg, Lilia Ahrné, Niklas Lorén et al
Journal of Texture Studies. Vol. 43 (2), p. 106-114
Journal article

Effect of pre-crystallization process and solid particle addition on microstructure in chocolate model systems

L. Svanberg, Lilia Ahrné, Niklas Lorén et al
Food Research International. Vol. 44 (5), p. 1339-1350
Journal article

The influence of dielectric and sorption properties on drying behaviour and energy efficiency during microwave convective drying of selected food and non-food inorganic materials

Emma Holtz, Lilia Ahrné, M. Rittenauer et al
Journal of Food Engineering. Vol. 97 (2), p. 142-153
Journal article

Processing of tomato: Impact on in vitro bioaccessibility of lycopene and textural properties

Cecilia Svelander, E. A. Tibäck, Lilia Ahrné et al
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. Vol. 90 (10), p. 1665-1672
Journal article

The role of processing parameters on energy efficiency during microwave convective drying of porous materials.

Emma Holtz, Lilia Ahrné, T. H. Karlsson et al
Drying Technology. Vol. 27 (2), p. 173-185
Journal article

Mechanical and thermal pretreatments of crushed tomatoes: Effects on consistency and in vitro accessibility of lycopene

Evelina Tibäck, Cecilia Svelander, I. J. P. Colle et al
Journal of Food Science. Vol. 74 (7), p. 386-395
Journal article

Thermal pretreatments of carrot pieces using different heating techniques: Effect on quality related aspects

L. Lemmens, Evelina Tibäck, Cecilia Svelander et al
Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies. Vol. 10 (4), p. 522-529
Journal article

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