Alirad Malek
Visar 12 publikationer
Reliability Analysis of Compressed CNNs
Advances on Adaptive Fault-Tolerant System Components: Micro-processors, NoCs, and DRAM
Odd-ECC: On-demand DRAM error correcting codes
RQNoC: A resilient quality-of-service network-on-chip with service redirection
Resilient chip multiprocessors with mixed-grained reconfigurability
Reconfigurable NoC and Processors Tolerant to Permanent Faults
Reducing the performance overhead of resilient CMPs with substitutable resources
A Probabilistic Analysis of Resilient Reconfigurable Designs
DeSyRe: On-demand adaptive and reconfigurable fault-tolerant SoCs
A dependable coarse-grain reconfigurable multicore array
DeSyRe: On-demand system reliability
The DeSyRe Project: On-Demand System Reliability
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