Francesco Baldi
Visar 26 publikationer
Energy and Exergy Analysis of a Cruise Ship
Vessels fuel consumption: A data analytics perspective to sustainability
Efficiency improvement on a cruise ship: Load allocation optimization
Vessels fuel consumption forecast and trim optimisation: A data analytics perspective
Expansion of organic Rankine cycle working fluid in a cylinder of a low-speed two-stroke ship engine
Improving environmental performance in shipping
Energy efficiency and fuel changes to reduce environmental impacts
Optimal load allocation of complex ship power plants
Energy and exergy analysis of a cruise ship
Energy and exergy analysis of ship energy systems - The case study of a chemical tanker
A feasibility analysis of waste heat recovery systems for marine applications
A preliminary study on the application of thermal storage to merchant ships
Energy and exergy analysis of ship energy systems - the case study of a chemical tanker
Energy analysis of a ship - the case study of a chemical tanker
The influence of propulsion system design on the carbon footprint of different marine fuels
Improving Ship Energy Efficiency through a Systems Perspective
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