Benedikte Borgström

Visar 16 publikationer


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Benedikte Borgström, Jenny Helin, Maria Norbäck et al
Samlingsverk (redaktörskap)

Business model paradigms in road transport service sector and truck market

Henrik Agndal, Benedikte Borgström, Lianguang Cui et al
NOFOMA conference proceedings
Paper i proceeding


Benedikte Borgström, Jenny Helin, Maria Norbäck et al
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Kapitel i bok

From product through service and solution to performance: Value propositions, interaction patterns and capabilities

Henrik Agndal, Benedikte Borgström, Veronika Pereseina
Workshop on performance-based contracting
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Barriers to performance-based contracting: A multiple case study in the transport industry.

Henrik Agndal, Benedikte Borgström, Mats Harborn et al
NOFOMA conference proceedings
Övrigt konferensbidrag

From product through service and solution to performance: Value propositions, interaction patterns and capabilities.

Henrik Agndal, Benedikte Borgström, Veronika Pereseina
Naples Forum on Services, Naples, 18-21 June 2013
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Framing of a business model named total operating economy

Benedikte Borgström, Henrik Agndal, Lianguang Cui et al
Paper presented at the 28th IMP conference, Rome
Paper i proceeding

The development of extended service models through business relationships: A Swedish trucking industry study

Susanne Hertz, Leif-Magnus Jensen, Henrik Agndal et al
Paper presented at the the 21st IPSERA Conference, Naples.
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Towards a methodology for studying supply chain practice

Benedikte Borgström
International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management. Vol. 42 (8-9), p. 843-862
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Strategizing as flowfinding in the supply network

Benedikte Borgström, Luis Araujo
Paper presented at the IMP Journal Seminar, Göteborg
Paper i proceeding

The business model named Total Operating Economy on the move

Benedikte Borgström
Paper presented at the 1st biennial Symposium on 'Action Nets as Organizational Practice' Gothenburg, November 6-7 2012
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Supply Chain Strategies: Changes in Customer Order-Based Production

Benedikte Borgström
Journal of Business Logistics. Vol. 32 (4), p. 361-373
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Strategizing as a flow of statements: Supply chain strategizing

Benedikte Borgström
27th EGOS Colloquium
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Supply chain management consequences: Perverse outcomes and contradictions

Benedikte Borgström
the 23rd Nofoma Conference
Paper i proceeding

A rythmanalytic approach to understand the problematic nature of supply chain integration: The case of a customer ordered production strategy

Benedikte Borgström, Lars-Gunnar Mattsson, Per Andersson et al
the 27th IMP conference
Paper i proceeding

Who is the customer? On the nature of customer representations in supply chains

Benedikte Borgström, Luis Araujo, Susanne Hertz
the 27th IMP conference
Paper i proceeding

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