Bhushan Billade
Visar 40 publikationer
An innovative, highly sensitive receiver system for the Square Kilometre Array Mid radio telescope
Design of a sensor agnostic FMCW-compatible transponder for automotive applications
SEPIA - A new single pixel receiver at the APEX telescope
Effects of diffraction and feed pattern variation in shaped offset gregorian reflectors
Cryogenic 1.2 to 116 GHz Receiver for Large Arrays
Quad-Ridge Flared Horn feed design and analysis for WBSPF in radio telescope
Sensitivity and Antenna Noise Temperature Analysis of the Feed System for the Onsala Twin Telescopes
Integrated calibration noise coupler for room temperature SKA band 1 feed system
A Wide-band Feed System for SKA Band 1 Covering Frequencies From 350 - 1050 MHz
A compact receiver system for simultaneous measurements of mesospheric CO and O3
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Technology Development Center Activities during 2014
A Compact Dual-Polarized 4-Port Eleven Feed with High Sensitivity for Reflectors over 0.35-1.05 GHz
A new 3 mm band receiver for the Onsala 20 m antenna
Mm-wave harmonic generation in an array of SIS junctions
Experimental Study of Frequency Multiplication in a Distributed Array of SIS Junctions
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Technology Development Center Activities during 2013
Frequency Multiplication in a Distributed Array of SIS Junctions
An SIS Mixer With 2hf/k DSB Noise Temperature at 163–211 GHz Band
Mixer, Multiplier and Passive Components for Low Noise THz Receivers
Performance of the First ALMA Band 5 Production Cartridge
Superconducting 4–8 GHz IF Hybrid for Low Noise mm-Wave Sideband Separation SIS Receiver
Excess Noise Generation from Solid State Tunable Local Oscillators
Local Oscillator System Development for the ALMA Band 5 Receiver
Performance of the first ALMA Band 5 production cartridge
Design and performance of ALMA band 5 receiver cartridge
Advanced Technologies for Radio Astronomy Instrumentation
Integrated Setup for THz Receiver Characterization
Design and Performance of ALMA Band 5 Receiver Components
ALMA band 5 cartridge performance
Terahertz Instrumentation For Radio Astronomy
Prototype ALMA Band 5 Cartridge:Design and Performance
Design Of Dual Polarisation Sideband Separation Mixer For ALMA Band 5
ALMA Band 5 (163-211 GHz) Sideband Separation Mixer
ALMA Band 5 (163-211 GHz) Sideband Separating Mixer Design
ALMA Band 5 (163-211 GHz) sideband separation mixer design
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Visar 1 forskningsprojekt