Ismail Butun
Visar 20 publikationer
Delay Considerations for Reliable Communications in LoRaWAN
Enhancing Cyber Security of LoRaWAN Gateways under Adversarial Attacks
A case study of decision support system and warehouse management system integration
Decision Support Systems and Industrial IoT in Smart Grid, Factories, and Cities
A Highly Scalable Instruction Scheduler Design based on CPU Stall Elimination
Early detection and recovery measures for smart grid cyber-resilience
Implications of cybersecurity breaches in LPWANs
Designing a Distributed Multi-agent System for Compiler Optimization
Industrial networks and IIoT: Now and future trends
Security of the Internet of Things: Vulnerabilities, Attacks and Countermeasures
Intrusion Detection in Industrial Networks via Data Streaming
Activation of LoRaWAN End Devices by Using Public Key Cryptography
Security and privacy in smart grids: Challenges, current solutions and future opportunities
Industrial IoT: Challenges, design principles, applications, and security
Hardware security of fog end-devices for the internet of things
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Visar 1 forskningsprojekt