Carl Andersson
Visar 18 publikationer
Customized and high-performing acoustic levitators for contact-free experiments
Sound Field Design for Transducer Array-Based Acoustic Levitation
Creation of Large Quiet Zones in the Presence of Acoustical Levitation Traps
Reducing Spiraling in Transducer Array Based Acoustic Levitation
Minimum trap separation for acoustical levitation using phased ultrasonic transducer arrays
Real-Time Implementation of Binaural Rendering of High-Order Spherical Microphone Array Signals
Measurement-Based Modeling of Higher-Order Non-Linearities of the Parametric Loudspeaker
Three-in-one: Levitation, parametric audio, and mid-air haptic feedback
A Method for Simultaneous Creation of an Acoustic Trap and a Quiet Zone
Authentic Auralization of Acoustic Spaces Based on Spherical Microphone Array Recordings
Auralization of acoustic spaces based on spherical microphone array recordings
Floating widgets: Interaction with acoustically-levitated widgets
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Visar 1 forskningsprojekt
Levitation with localised tactile and audio feedback for mid-air interactions (Levitate)