Stefan Cedergren
Visar 15 publikationer
Simulating the Geometric Distortion of Remanufactured Parts Using the Inherent Strain Method
A criterion space decomposition approach to generalized tri-objective tactical resource allocation
Towards a digital twin setup for individualized production of fabricated components
Identification of variation sources for high precision fabrication in a digital twin context
Influence of work material microstructure on vibrations when machining cast Ti-6Al-4V
Inverse identification of flow stress in metal cutting process using Response Surface Methodology
Influence of Material Variations on Machinability - Machining Difficult-to-Machine Alloys
The effects of grain size and feed rate on notch wear and burr formation in wrought Alloy 718
Influence of Microstructure on Chip Formation - Machining Aero Engine Alloys
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Visar 1 forskningsprojekt
Databaserad automatiserad produktionsstyrning av fabricerade komponenter