Sabine Reinfeldt
Sabine Reinfeldt är docent i gruppen för Medicinska Signaler och System. Hon är involverad i olika forskningsprojekt i utvecklandet av en ny implanterbar benledningshörapparat, med inriktning mot benledningsfysiologi. Sabine Reinfeldt undervisar i Biomedical Instrumentation för studenter inom masterprogrammet i Biomedical Engineering. Hennes forskningsintressen inkluderar benledninghörsel, produkter inom benledning, hörselimplantat, ocklusionseffekt, benlednings-transmission och känslighet, kommunikation mellan människor, och den egna rösten.

Visar 53 publikationer
Objective verification of audibility in bone conduction devices
Long-term follow-up and review of the Bone Conduction Implant
Bone Conduction Stimulated VEMP Using the B250 Transducer
The effect of an active transcutaneous bone conduction device on spatial release from masking
Three-Year Follow-Up with the Bone Conduction Implant
Robustness and lifetime of the bone conduction implant - a pilot study
The bone conduction implant - a review and 1-year follow-up
VEMP using a new low-frequency bone conduction transducer
Rehabilitating Patients with Bone Conduction Hearing Devices: Two Effective Alternatives
Direct bone conduction stimulation: effect of different transducer attachments
Writing in the disciplines as writing to learn – student disciplinary discourse to enhance learning
Audiometric comparison between Bone Anchored Hearing Aid and Bone Conduction Implant
New developments in bone-conduction hearing implants: a review
The bone conduction implant: Clinical results of the first six patients.
Study of the Feasible Size of a Bone Conduction Implant Transducer in the Temporal Bone
Technical design of a new bone conduction implant (BCI) system
Audiometric comparison in BCI and BAHA matched patients
The Bone Conduction Implant-First Implantation, Surgical and Audiologic Aspects.
MRI Induced Torque and Demagnetization in Retention Magnets for a Bone Conduction Implant
Transmission of bone conducted sound - Correlation between hearing perception and cochlear vibration
Estimation of bone conduction skull transmission by hearing thresholds and ear-canal sound pressure
Transmission of bone conducted sound -correlation between hearing perception and cochlear vibration.
A Novel Bone Conduction Implant - Analog Radio Frequency Data and Power Link Design
Optimal position of a new bone conduction implant.
Bone conduction implant- BCI, surgical and transmission issue.
Correlation between the cochlear promontory and hearing perception- a pilot study.
A novel bone conduction implant (BCI): engineering aspects and pre-clinical studies.
Hearing one's own voice during phoneme vocalization-Transmission by air and bone conduction
Bone Conduction Hearing in Human Communication - Sensitivity, Transmission, and Applications
A model of the occlusion effect with bone-conducted stimulation
Bone conducted sound transmission for communication systems
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Visar 5 forskningsprojekt
En ny och högpresterande induktionslänk för hörselimplantat
Förbättrade metoder för yrseldiagnos med benledningsstimulering
Development of kinematic and muscle patterns in preterm infants (INFANTPATTERNS)
Mätning av implanterbar benledningshörapparat