Leonid Gorelik

Visar 69 publikationer
Creation of two-dimensional circular motion of charge qubit
Creation of two-dimensional circular motion of charge qubit
Nanomechanical manipulation of superconducting charge-qubit quantum networks
Transduction of quantum information from charge qubit to nanomechanical cat-state
Nanomechanical pumping of Cooper pairs through NS junction
Pumping and Cooling of Nanomechanical Vibrations Generated by Cooper-Pair Exchange
Nanomechanical cat states generated by a dc voltage-driven Cooper pair box qubit
Cooling of nanomechanical vibrations by Andreev injection
Nanomechanics driven by the superconducting proximity effect
Nanomechanics driven by Andreev tunneling
Physical processes in polymeric filters used for dialysis
Kondo effect in a Aharonov-Casher interferometer
Cooling of mechanical vibrations by heat flow
Spin-mediated Photomechanical Coupling of a Nanoelectromechanical Shuttle
Nanoelectromechanical Heat Engine Based on Electron-Electron Interaction
Shuttle-promoted nano-mechanical current switch
Hypersonic edge solitons in graphene under quantum Hall effect
Nonresonant high frequency excitation of mechanical vibrations in a graphene based nanoresonator
Nanomechanics of a magnetic shuttle device
Electronic spin working mechanically (Review Article)
Electronic spin working mechanically
Self-sustained oscillations in nanoelectromechanical systems induced by Kondo resonance
Nanomechanics of a magnetic shuttle device
Single-Electron Shuttle Based on Electron Spin
Kondo Force in Shuttling Devices: Dynamical Probe for a Kondo Cloud
Parametric excitation of dc current in a single-dot shuttle system via spontaneous symmetry breaking
Nanoelectromechanics of shuttle devices
Mechano-electronic and electro-mechanical energy transfer in mesoscopic superconducting weak links
Umklapp-assisted electron transport oscillations in metal superlattices
Spintronics-based mesoscopic heat engine
Cooling of Nanomechanical Resonators by Thermally Activated Single-Electron Transport
Spin-controlled nanomechanics induced by single-electron tunneling
Cooling of a suspended nanowire by an ac Josephson current flow
Voltage-driven superconducting weak link as a refrigerator for cooling of nanomechanical vibrations
Self-excited oscillations of charge-spin accumulation due to single-electron tunneling
Quantum computing based on space states without charge transfer
Nonequilibrium and quantum coherent phenomena in the electromechanics of suspended nanowires
High-temperature excess current and quantum suppression of electronic backscattering
Superconducting pumping of nanomechanical vibrations
Giant shot noise due to mechanical transportation of spin-polarized electrons
Self-organization of irregular nanoelectromechanical vibrations in multimode shuttle structures
Giant super poissonian shot noise in spin-polarized SET structures
Nanomechanical shuttle transfer of electrons
Electromechanical instabilities of suspended carbon nanotubes-multi mode excitations
Shot noise spectroscopy of electronic spin flips in quantum dots
Shuttle transport in nanostructures
Spin-dependent transport of electrons in a shuttle structure
Mechanically mediated electron transfer in model metallo-enzyme interfaces
Rashba spin-orbit interaction in a ballistic Josephson junction
Electronic Aharonov-Bohm effect induced by quantum vibrations
Mechanically assisted spin-dependent transport of electrons
Giant field effect in self-assembled metallo-organic nanoscale networks
Coulomb promotion of spin-dependent tunneling
Electromechanical instability in suspended carbon nanotubes
Spin-controlled nanoelectromechanics in magnetic NEM-SET systems
Energy pumping in a quantum nanoelectromechanical system
Spintronics of a nanoelectromechanical shuttle
Quantum shuttle phenomena in a nanoelectromechanical single-electron transistor
Quantum precursor of shuttle instability
Resonant microwave properties of a voltage-biased single-Cooper-pair transistor
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