Jakob Björnberg
Min forskning är huvudsakligen inom statistisk fysik. Några av de ämnen som jag arbetar med är Ising- och Heisenberg-modellerna, särskilt probabilistiska representationer av kvantteoretiska spinnsystem.

Visar 17 publikationer
A two-table theorem for a disordered Chinese restaurant process
Correlation inequalities for the uniform eight-vertex model and the toric code model
Heisenberg models and Schur–Weyl duality
Dimerization in Quantum Spin Chains with O(n) Symmetry
Quantum Spins and Random Loops on the Complete Graph
Characterising random partitions by random colouring
The interchange process with reversals on the complete graph
Critical Temperature of Heisenberg Models on Regular Trees, via Random Loops
Critical parameter of random loop model on trees
Fermionic observables in the transverse ising chain
The free energy in a class of quantum spin systems and interchange processes
Random Walk on Random Infinite Looptrees
Decay of transverse correlations in quantum Heisenberg models
Vanishing Critical Magnetization in the Quantum Ising Model
On Site Percolation in Random Quadrangulations of the Half-Plane
Large cycles in random permutations related to the Heisenberg model
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