Maria Klingberg
Visar 11 publikationer
Processing and structure of paperboard with a needled middle layer
Cellulose nanofibril-reinforced composites using aqueous dispersed ethylene-acrylic acid copolymer
Cellulose nanofibrils and amphiphilic copolymer based bio-composites
Mechanical properties of paperboard with a needled middle layer
Wet compounding of nanocellulose and amphiphilic copolymer EAA for composite reinforcement
Cellulose fibre composites mixed at wet state
Biocomposites made of nanocellulose and amphiphiliccopolymer EAA
Wet mixing of wood cellulose fibres and EAA composites
Cellulose fibres and thermoplastic polymer composites, compounding at wet state
Composite material of a thermoplastic polymer and cellulose fibres compounded in a wet state
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