Kyoko Onishi
Visar 18 publikationer
A spectacular galactic scale magnetohydrodynamic powered wind in ESO 320-G030
The opaque heart of the galaxy IC 860: Analogous protostellar, kinematics, morphology, and chemistry
Multiline Assessment of Narrow-line Regions in z similar to 3 Radio Galaxies
Extreme Nature of Four Blue-excess Dust-obscured Galaxies Revealed by Optical Spectroscopy
Hard X-Ray Irradiation Potentially Drives Negative AGN Feedback by Altering Molecular Gas Properties
Discovery of methanimine (CH<inf>2</inf>NH) megamasers toward compact obscured galaxy nuclei
CON-quest: Searching for the most obscured galaxy nuclei
WISDOM project - VIII. Multiscale feedback cycles in the brightest cluster galaxy NGC 0708
AGN X-Ray Irradiation of CO Gas in NGC 2110 Revealed by Chandra and ALMA
The ALMA Discovery of the Rotating Disk and Fast Outflow of Cold Molecular Gas in NGC 1275
Galactic dynamics and DM profile of NGC1380 with ALMA and VLT/MUSE
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