Mats L Landervik
Visar 14 publikationer
A stress-resultant shell theory based on multiscale homogenization
A higher-order stress-resultant shell formulation based on multiscale homogenization
Homogenization and Shell Theory for Modeling Thin Porous Layers
Multi-Scale Homogenization of Thin Foam Layers using Shell Theory
Multi-Scale Homogenization of Thin Foam Layers Represented by Shell Elements
Modeling of large inelastic deformations of foams with respect to the point of compaction
Pore–gas interaction in foams at finite deformation using staggered solution techniques
Pore-gas interaction in foams at finite deformation using staggered solution techniques
Multi-scale homogenization of thin foam layers
Pore-gas interaction in polymeric foam with respect to energy absorption
Foam modeling including pore gas interaction for crashworthiness analysis
Modeling of large inelastic deformations of a structural foam at high deformation rates
Modeling of large inelastic deformations of foam with respect to energy absorption
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