Mikael Thor
Visar 17 publikationer
Steering Redundancy for Self-Driving Vehicles using Differential Braking
Closed-loop diesel engine combustion phasing control based on crankshaft torque measurements
Parameterized Diesel Engine Combustion Modeling for Torque Based Combustion Property Estimation
Torque based combustion property estimation and control for diesel engines
The torque ratio concept for combustion monitoring of internal combustion engines
Estimation of Combustion Phasing Using the Combustion Net Torque Method
Modeling, Identification, and Separation of Crankshaft Dynamics in a Light-Duty Diesel Engine
Parameterized Diesel Engine Heat Release Modeling for Combustion Phasing Analysis
Estimation of Diesel Engine Combustion Phasing from Crankshaft Torque Data
Evaluation of a Closed Loop Spark Advance Controller Based on a Torque Sensor
Estimation of Combustion Information by Crankshaft Torque Sensing in an Internal Combustion Engine
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