Orada Teppayayon
Visar 21 publikationer
Evolution of the EU broadband policy: towards an integrated framework?
A comprehensive framework for future broadband policy: Assessing the EU initiative
Telecommunications networks and sustainable society: a new perspective of broadband policy
Analysis of Broadband Access in Thailand: Drivers and Barriers
Challenges of fibre-based infrastructure: A review of the NGA debate in Europe
Future of fiber network policy: Reviewing NGA debate in Europe
Broadband universal service in Europe: A review of policy consultations 2005-2010
Broadband policy for the future: Building upon conceptual framework
Broadband universal service in Europe: A review of policy consultations 2005-2010
Broadband policy for the future: Building upon conceptual framework
Broadband universal service in Europe: A review of policy consultations 2005-2010
Broadband policy from the back mirror: What can we learn from European experience?
Functional separation in Swedish broadband market: Next step of improving competition
Broadband Universal Service: A Future Path for Europe?
Will broadband networks make the world greener? Evaluating Pros and Cons of broadband development
Functional Separation: Next Step of Improving Broadband Competition?
Universal Service: Socioeconomic Considerations for Broadband Access
Government Intervention: Why is Competition not Sufficient for Broadband Deployment?
Broadband Universal Service: A Future Path for Europe?
Broadband Universal Service: A Future path for Europe?
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