Orada Teppayayon

Visar 21 publikationer


Evolution of the EU broadband policy: towards an integrated framework?

Orada Teppayayon, Erik Bohlin
Proceedings of the PTC'12 Conference held in Hawaii, USA, 15-18 January 2012
Paper i proceeding

Telecommunications networks and sustainable society: a new perspective of broadband policy

Orada Teppayayon, Erik Bohlin
Presented at The Regional International Telecommunications Society India Conference 2012
Paper i proceeding

Analysis of Broadband Access in Thailand: Drivers and Barriers

Chalita Srinuan, Orada Teppayayon, Erik Bohlin
Proceeding of the 10th international conference on Mobile Business (ICMB 2011), 20-21 June 2011, Italy., p. 297-306
Paper i proceeding

Challenges of fibre-based infrastructure: A review of the NGA debate in Europe

Orada Teppayayon, Erik Bohlin
International Journal of Management and Network Economics. Vol. 2 (2), p. 150-176
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Future of fiber network policy: Reviewing NGA debate in Europe

Orada Teppayayon, Erik Bohlin
Conference proceeding
Paper i proceeding

Broadband universal service in Europe: A review of policy consultations 2005-2010

Erik Bohlin, Orada Teppayayon
Conference proceeding, the conference on "2010 European Regional ITS Conference in Copenhagen", September 13-15, 2010, Denmark
Paper i proceeding

Broadband policy for the future: Building upon conceptual framework

Orada Teppayayon, Erik Bohlin
Presented at the 1st ITS PhD Workshop, September 12-13, 2010, Denmark
Paper i proceeding

Broadband universal service in Europe: A review of policy consultations 2005-2010

Erik Bohlin, Orada Teppayayon
Communications & Strategies. Vol. 80 (4th quarter), p. 21-42
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Broadband policy for the future: Building upon conceptual framework

Orada Teppayayon, Erik Bohlin
Paper presented at the Workshop on the Broadband Act of 2011: Designing a Communication Act for the 21th Century, 28-30 September, 2010, USA
Paper i proceeding

Broadband universal service in Europe: A review of policy consultations 2005-2010

Erik Bohlin, Orada Teppayayon
Conference proceeding, the 38th Research Conference on Communication, Information, and Internet Policy, 1-3 October, 2010, US.
Paper i proceeding

Broadband policy from the back mirror: What can we learn from European experience?

Orada Teppayayon, Erik Bohlin
Conference Proceeding, the 18th Biennial of the ITS, June 27-30, 2010, Japan
Paper i proceeding

Functional separation in Swedish broadband market: Next step of improving competition

Orada Teppayayon, Erik Bohlin
Telecommunications Policy. Vol. 34 (7), p. 375-383
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Assessing broadband policy: Towards a conceptual model

Orada Teppayayon

Broadband Universal Service: A Future Path for Europe?

Orada Teppayayon, Erik Bohlin
International Journal of Networks and Economics. Vol. 1 (3), p. 275-298
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Will broadband networks make the world greener? Evaluating Pros and Cons of broadband development

Orada Teppayayon, Erik Bohlin, Simon Forge
Communications & Strategies. Vol. 76 (4th quarter), p. 19-38
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Functional Separation: Next Step of Improving Broadband Competition?

Orada Teppayayon, Erik Bohlin
Conference Proceeding; the ITS Regional Conference, Perth, 16-18 August, 2009
Paper i proceeding

Universal Service: Socioeconomic Considerations for Broadband Access

Orada Teppayayon, Erik Bohlin
Conference Proceeding: the COST 298 Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 13-15 May, 2009.
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Government Intervention: Why is Competition not Sufficient for Broadband Deployment?

Orada Teppayayon, Erik Bohlin
Conference Proceeding: Paper to be presented at the 37th Research Conference on Communication, Information and Internet Policy (TPRC), Virginia, USA, 25-27 September, 2009.
Paper i proceeding

Broadband Universal Service: A Future Path for Europe?

Orada Teppayayon, Erik Bohlin
Conference proceeding: the conference on The Public/Private interplay in Next Generation Communications, 10-12 December, 2008, Sevilla, Spain.
Paper i proceeding

Broadband Universal Service: A Future path for Europe?

Erik Bohlin, Orada Teppayayon
Conference on Public / Private Interplay in Next Generation Communications, Seville, 10-12 December, 2008.
Paper i proceeding

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