Johanna Pregmark
Visar 19 publikationer
When digitalization hit the court: Strategizing to turn turbulence into opportunities
Responding to the COVID-19 crisis: the rapid turn toward digital business models
Difficulties to digitalize: ambidexterity challenges in law firms
Ethical dilemmas in collaborative action research
Organizational transformation: Handling the double-edged sword of urgency
Beer, Michael: It’s Not the Seed, It’s the Soil
Strategy workshops with wider participation: trust as enabler
Change in Tightly Coupled Systems: The Role and Action of Middle Managers
Systemet bakom förändring: Varför förändring misslyckas och vad vi kan göra åt det
Beyond digital inventions—diffusion of technology and organizational capabilities to change
Mastering change through innovative initiatives: Contextual ambidexterity as a process
Organization renewal through entrepreneurial initiatives: When the seed changes the soil
Michael Beer: It's not the seed, it's the soil
Transformation in a tightly nested system: Employing fast cycles of change
Change models in need of renewal: Building strategic practice to prevail in industry transitions
Breaking through in a tightly nested system
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