Roy Booth
Visar 32 publikationer
Inflation of 430-parsec bipolar radio bubbles in the Galactic Centre by an energetic event
an overview of the MHONGOOSE survey: Observing nearby galaxies with MeerKAT
The cradle of life and the SKA
3D Models of Stellar Interactions
Faint extended OH emission from the local interstellar medium in the direction l ≈ 108°, b ≈ 5°
The millimeter wave continuum spectrum of Centaurus A and its nucleus
Upper limits to the water abundance in starburst galaxies
A general catalogue of 6.7 GHz methanol masers. II. statistical analysis
Molecular oxygen in the p Ophiuchi cloud
A 0.8 mm heterodyne facility receiver for the APEX telescope
APEX - The Atacama Pathfinder Experiment
A 279-381 GHz SIS Receiver for the APEX Telescope
The Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment (APEX) - a new submillimeter facility for southern skies -
Heterodyne Single-Pixel Facility Instrumentation for APEX Telescope
NGC7538 Irs1N: Modelling a Circumstellar Maser Disc
A General Catalogue of 6.7 GHz Methanol Masers. I. Data
Searching for O2 in the SMC: Constraints on Oxygen Chemistry at Low Metallicities
SiO Masers in TX Cam: Simultaneous VLBA Observations of Two 43 GHz Masers at Four Epochs
Millimetre VLBI monitoring of AGN with sub-milliarcsecond resolution
A circumstellar disk in a high-mass star-forming region
Towards the event horizon - the vicinity of AGN at micro-arcsecond resolution
OH Molecules and Masers in Messier 82
Erratum: "A Circumstellar Disk in a High-Mass Star-forming Region" (ApJ, 603, L113)
Molecular Gas Properties of 12-um Seyfet Galaxies - I. The Southern Sample
Odin water mapping in the Orion KL region
Determination of molecular cloud parameters using thermal methanol lines
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