Paul Saad
Visar 24 publikationer
Dual-Band Dual-Output Four-Way Doherty Power Amplifier for Unsynchronized Time-Division Duplexing
Dual-Band Dual-Output Doherty Power Amplifier for Unsynchronized Time-Division Duplexing
Design and Validation of a Concurrent Dual-Band 1.84/2.65 GHz GaN Doherty Power Amplifier
Doherty Load Modulation Based on Non-Reciprocity
An 80W Power Amplifier with 50% Efficiency at 8dB Power Back-off over 2.6-3.8 GHz
Ultra-Wideband Doherty-Like Power Amplifier
Driver Topologies for RF Doherty Power Amplifiers
Design Method for Quasi-Optimal Multiband Branch-Line Couplers
Investigation of Push-Pull Microwave Power Amplifiers Using an Advanced Measurement Setup
Branch-Line Coupler Design Operating in Four Arbitrary Frequencies
2-D Enhanced Hammerstein Behavior Model for Concurrent Dual-Band Power Amplifier
Design of a Concurrent Dual-Band 1.8-2.4-GHz GaN-HEMT Doherty Power Amplifier
Concurrent Dual-Band GaN-HEMT Power Amplifier at 1.8 GHz and 2.4 GHz
Multi-band/Multi-mode and Efficient Transmitter Based on a Doherty Power Amplifier
2-D enhanced hammerstein behavior model for concurrent dual-band power amplifiers
Efficient and Wideband Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications
An RF Carrier Bursting System using Partial Quantization Noise Cancellation
High-Efficiency Power Amplifier
Highly efficient GaN-HEMT power amplifiers at 3.5 GHz and 5.5 GHz
High efficiency power amplifier design using switch mode optimized transistor models
High Efficiency Microwave Power Amplifiers in GaN-HEMT Technology
Design of a Highly Efficient 2–4-GHz Octave Bandwidth GaN-HEMT Power Amplifier
A highly efficient 3.5 GHz inverse class-F GaN HEMT power amplifier
An Inverse Class-F GaN HEMT Power Amplifier with 78% PAE at 3.5 GHz
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